Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

David W. Straight

Committee Members

Donald W. Bouldin, William J. McClain


In today's academic and commercial world, there are a variety of commonly used local area network implementations. Each network scheme has advantages and disadvantages with respect to particular applications or performance criteria. A network design that is right for one application may not be the best choice for a totally different application. For some specialized applications, none of the existing networks are appropriate. In particular, redemption games, which are simple, mechanical games found in arcades, have not been networked previously and are the focus of this thesis.

This specialized application requires only a subset of the functions provided in a full-function network protocol, and must be implemented at minimal cost. Ethernet, for example, provides excess functionality, which translates into more cost than is justified by this specific application. If the nodes of a network can be satisfactorily connected by a less robust network, then clearly it is worthwhile to implement a new and different network that will provide the benefits of simplicity and reduced costs.

A review of existing network protocols was made for the purpose of selecting the features to be included in the new design. Software was developed to imple- ment the network protocol. A prototype of the network hardware was assembled, and the software was tested on this hardware implementation.

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