Masters Theses


John M. Lewis

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

L.L. Riedinger

Committee Members

C.R. Bingham, M.W. Guidry


High-spin states of the 191Tl nucleus were studied at the Oak Ridge Holified Heavy-Ion Research Facility and at the Argonne ATLAS Facility. In these experiments the heavy-ion fusion reactions 169Tm (26Mg, 4n) and 159Tb (36S,4n) were used. The λ-ray spectroscopy data from these experiments were used to search for su- perdeformation, which is reported in another work, as well as to probe the normally deformed states of 191Tl.A variety of nuclear shapes were deduced from the data. Oblate rotational bands were seen built on both the πh9/2 and πi13/2 states. This was the first observation of an oblate i13/2 rotational band. Other non-rotational structures were observed which seem to be more spherical in nature. And, the same data led to the establishment of superdeformed bands in this nucleus. Results from Total Routhian Surface calculations support these findings.This work has significantly extended previous studies, adding 70 transitions to the level scheme. Intensities and DCO ratios have been extracted for each of these transitions and those previously known. The positive and negative parity rotational bands have been extended to spins of 45/2+ and 37/2-, respectively, enabling a study of the (vi13/2)2 crossing frequencies in each band.

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