Masters Theses


Xiaoliang Lu

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Chemical Engineering

Major Professor

Lloyd W. Crawford

Committee Members

James Chapman, Atul C. Sheth


The unusually high temperature in the primary combustor of the Coal- Fired Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) power generation system causes much higher nitrogen oxides (NOx) to be produced than in a conventional coal fired generation system. In order to lower the NOx concentration to an acceptable level, it is important to know how parameters of the MHD power generation system affect the NOx concentration. This thesis investigates those effects in the Coal-Fired Flow Facility (CFFF) at the University of Tennessee Space Institute under the contract of US Department Of Energy (DOE).

With thermodynamic and kinetic computer codes, the theoretical studies were carried out on the parameters of the CFFF system. The results gathered from the computer codes were analyzed and compared with the experimental data collected during the LMF5J test. The thermodynamic and kinetic codes together modeled the NOx behavior with reasonable accuracy while some inconsistencies happened at the secondary combustor inlet.

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