Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1994
Human soft-tissue decomposition in an aquatic environment and its transformation into adipocere, Tyler G. O'Brien
Human soft-tissue decomposition in an aquatic environment and its transformation into adipocere, Tyler Grant O'Brien
Performance of a frequency hop spread spectrum multiple access radio network in a factory environment, Aquilino B. Orichi-Batajolo
Use of remote sensing data and field data to interpret and compare land-use change in the Belhouro region of Sahelian Burkina Faso, Fatimata Amadou Pale
Determining spectator opinions regarding sport promotions at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville baseball events, Vassilios Papadopoulos
The American Medical Association's public affairs campaign for health care reform : an assessment using a media poll, Donna Harris Parang
The elimination or mitigation of hazards associated with pavement edge dropoffs during roadway resurfacing, James Alan Parham
Evaluation of thermoelectric generators, Michael Lee Parkison
Simultaneous sulfate and chloride removal from MHD spent seed using anion-exchange resin, Santhanam Parthsarathy
Image classification using color texture energy measure, Michael J. Paulick
Development and evaluation of an improved positioning scheme for a cyclotron ion source, Richard Semmes Paulus
Porting an implicit method of lines solver to distributed-memory parallel processors, James Stephen Payne
Attitudes of college and minor league baseball players toward selected issues of major league baseball free agency, Argle Lee Pearson Jr.
Holocene uplift and vegetation history along the northern shore of Lake Michigan, William H. Petty
Teacher utilization of cognitive instruction in math for children who are deaf, Dana Elaine Pickard
Electron density and temperature determination of a laser-induced plasma in hydrogen gas, David H. Plemmons
Public attitudes toward forest management practices on pulp and paper company-owned forest lands in the southern Appalachian Region, Jennifer Lee Plyler
Analysis of advanced process measurement parameters for a biological wastewater treatment process, Tee-Meng Poon
Network programming in an open system environment, Patricia Chapin Price
The role of admixture in the identification of skeletal remains : a metric analysis of Mexican crania, Jennifer J. Prutsman
Growth and survival of Staphylococcus Aureus in modified atmosphere packaged fresh/wet fettuccine noodles, Roslyn Essie Rambo
Using modular components as a basis for design, construction and continuous improvements of aircraft, Scott H. Rasplicka
Use of culturally diverse books in daycare, Kathleen Anne Reid
Parallel computational fluid dynamics grid mapping optimization and simulation, Rushian Evan Reynolds
Conservation laws in three dimensional elasticity, Elizabeth Ann Robinson
Modern pollen rain in Costa Rica, John C. Rodgers
The T-45 high angle of attack evaluation : the testing of an advanced trainer aircraft, Joseph Maximillian Rogers
Perceived importance of herd bull selection criteria of Tennessee beef producers, Dale Carter Rose
Reproductive ecology of Conradina verticillata Jennison, a rare, endemic mint of the Cumberland Plateau, T'ai Honda Roulston
Gonadotrophin secretion in the GnRH challenged prepuberal beef heifer and its relationship to the follicular numbers and body weight, Michael S. Rowland
The effects of transportation demand management on the emissions of global warming gases for the Brentwood, Tennessee Interstate 65 transportation corridor, Christopher R. Rys
Controlled load tests on a four girder steel bridge, Michael David Sanders
The Pilot-reintroduction of Red Wolves in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gregory T. M. Schildwachter
The thermal conductivity of polycrystalline YBaℓCuℓOℓ superconductor from 10 K to 300 K, Jeffery Michael Schmitz
Acoustic emission from non-plasma sources at the laser weld site, Carl E. Schou
Synthesis of 1L-1, 2-Dideoxy-1, 2-epithio-myo-inositol through a 1L-1, 2-Anhydro-3, 4:5, 6-bis-O-(tetraisopropyldisiloxane-1, 3-diyl)-myo-inositol intermediate, Todd Frederick Seiple
Vision tasting, Chad Forrest Sexton
Serum levels of 17ℓ-estradiol and testosterone as indicators of environmental stress in redbreast sunfish, Lepomis Auritus, Stanley Kent Sharp
Energy planning : local framework towards sustainability, Motoko Shimizu
A morphometric analysis of the hominid iliac crest, Amy Ridler Shook
Quality attributes of osmotically concentrated apple rings held under modified atmospheres, Chularat Siangchin
Development of a minority participation model for engineering and construction services in a Department of Energy-Oak Ridge environment, Robert Samuel Siegler
War correspondence of Martha Gellhorn, Joan Didion, and Molly Moore : their contributions to journalism and literature, Susan Reeder Siler
Study of fluid flow during directional solidification of HℓO-NHℓCl using particle displacement tracking technique, Ram Sivakumaran
Allozyme variation within and between populations of Ruth's Golden Aster, Pityopsis ruthii (small) small, Steven A. Sloan
Allozyme variation within and between populations of Ruth's Golden Aster, Pityopsis ruthii (small) small, Steven A. Sloan
Development of an improved model for predicting fission product release from high temperature gas cooled reactors, Daniel A. Smith
A comparative cost analysis of soil remediation technologies, Helen Rene Smith
Geomechanical modelling using a boundary loaded base friction machine, Steven Craig Smith
Channelization effectiveness in the Obion River Basin, West Tennessee, Patrick Durrell Solomon
Use of a land classification system in growth and yield prediction on the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee, Unsook Song
A sociodemographic profile of women involved in violent domestic relationships whose partners were court-referred for intervention, Betty Fretz Southworth
Search for the human homolog of S. cerevisiae PTR2 gene, Mohankumar Ramaswamy Sowlay
Construction of wavelet bases for L℗(R), Evangelia Spanakis
An experiment investigation of processing parameters for the production of micro fibers using the melt blowing process, Edmund Gerald Spencer
Physiological studies and phylogenetic analysis of a root-inducing bacterium, Venkataraman Sridhar
Desorption kinetics of selected polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from anthropogenically and artificially contaminated soils, James Reed Stanley
Insect diversity and abundance within the canopy of a northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) orchard in eastern Tennessee, Robert Christopher Stanton
Laminar flow and heat transfer in the entrance region of ribbed concentric annuli, Joseph Roger Stevenson
Evaluation of the Gatlinburg, Tennessee trolley service as it impacts the local transportation system : a case study, Steve Eric Stoner
An investigation of decalcification by radio-frequency irradiation, Josef Francis Strasilipka
The determination of isothermal adsorption equilibrium parameters, dispersion and mass transfer coefficients for a packed bed, May Yongmei Sun
The functional and ultrastructural effects of the organophosphorous insecticides Dursban and Lorsban on the ciliated epithelium of the frog palate in vitro, Jerilyn M. Swann
A study of anxiety and academic achievement among biology students, Stephen Henry Swann
Attitudes and perceptions of Tennessee agriculture education teachers regarding various aspects of supervised agricultural experience programs, Kirk A. Swortzel
Examination of a helmholtz resonator for use in enhancing hybrid fuel grain regression., Patricia R. Taft
Modeling of a natural bioremediation process using multivariate statistical approach, Ting Chow Tan
Comparison of traffic simulation models : a case study-NETSIM, NETFLO1 and NETFLO2, Sunil Taori
Qualitative study of the meaning of child discipline on the part of rural east Tennessee clergy., Barbara Ann Taylor
Nannocystis exedens as potential biocompetitive agent against toxigenic Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, Willie James Taylor
Analysis of the characteristics and interrelationships of industrial energy consumption and waste generation for selected Tennessee industries, Todd Mitchell Thomas
Interrelationships among leadership factors, task and ego orientation, and cohesion components of division II softball, Melanie J. Thompson
The design and synthesis of antimicrofilaria and anticancer compounds, Roy Franklin Thompson
Access to public records in electronic form in Tennessee, Robert Earl Thornton
On the use of wavelets as an alternative to Fourier analysis for transient dynamic data, Thomas F. Tibbals
Integration of disabled persons in municipal and county recreation and park departments of Tennessee, Charles Dale Torrey
Development of a fully-suspended, multi-stage bioreactor system for Trichloroethylene degradation based on soluble monooxygenase cometabolism., Michael Ford Tschantz
Evaluation of calendered activated carbon nonwovens for gas adsorption, Derong Tu
The feasibility of using steel fiber reinforced concrete in rectangular containers, Scott Alan Tudor
Comparison of home-prepared and school prepared lunches and parental opinions on school lunch policy in elementary schools, Lucia Ann Tuleen
Analysis of fiscal and monetary impacts of the U.S. wheat exports to Japan, Stephanie Elaine Turner
Stability analysis of prismatic rock blocks, Jorge Antonio Ureta-Reyes
Integrated belt-in-seat design by National Seating, Inc., Alvaro Eduardo Urrutia
Parallel animal migration models of bison and elk in Northern Yellowstone National Park, Ember Uziel
The backlash against women in sport, Maria J. Veri
The prediction equations of the male and female chest wall thickness for measuring actinides within the lungs using HPGe detectors, Lisa R. Vickers
The effects of aquatic macrophytes on the spatial distribution of young-of-year fish, Amy Kristen Wales
Sidonia Bottomland and On a Harley bound for New Orleans : two poetry chapbooks, Beth Ann Walker
A Survey of Interracial Interaction at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville: An Anthropological Analysis, Lillian Marie Wallace
Small angle light scattering studies of the melt blown process, Joe M. Wallen
An investigation of the V-I characteristics of electrical discharges in Argon and their dependence on gap length and pressure, Roderick Greg Wamsley
Reservoir fishing benefits across Tennessee regions, Walter L. Waters
The use of simulation in the development of night vision goggle shipboard compatible lighting packages, Allison Dee Webster-Giddings
Death, dearth and progressivism : a study of the policies of and reactions to the National Audubon Society, 1896-1917, John J. Weil
The effects of substance abuse training on vocational rehabilitation counselors' attitudes toward persons with substance abuse disabilities, Steven Lee West
Triad performance analysis, Christopher Lewis Whaley
Basic linear algebra communication subprograms : analysis and implementation across multiple parallel architectures, Richard Clinton Whaley
An analysis of non-metropolitan west Tennessee nursing home facilities, Victor Romando Wilburn
Conversion of nitriles to amides on the surface of alumina, Catherine Pala Wilgus