Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

R.D. Kimberlin


Military helicopters continue to expand into mission areas requiring the use of Night Vision Goggles (NVGs). Incorporating Head Up Display (HUD) symbology within the pilot's field of view is becoming a necessity to ensure safety of flight during NVG missions. Current HH-60H projected operational environments require reduced head-down time in order to successfully complete assigned tasks. To this end, NVG compatible helmet mounted displays (NVG HUDs) are being developed and tested by the various armed services.

The HH-60H Seahawk is the U.S. Navy's combat search and rescue (CSAR) and special warfare support helicopter. Crews flying it operate using NVGs a large part of the time. Because of this, the Rotary Wing Aircraft Test Directorate (RWATD) of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) was tasked to begin developmental testing of the AN/AVS-7 NVG HUD system.

120 hours of ground testing were conducted, with 60 hours of flight testing following to determine whether the ANVIS HUDwould meet operational requirements and enhance aircrew mission performance.

Testing concluded that the AN/AVS-7 NVG HUD system significantly increased aircrew safety and mission effectiveness in HH-60H tactical employment. Future testing was recommended to ensure shipboard compatibility, to assess future software upgrades and improved symbology modes.

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