Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Mohan Trivedi

Committee Members

Suresh Marapane, Robert Bodenheimer, Don Bouldin


A distributed multiprocessor mobile robot was designed and implemented to perform cooperative robotic tasks. SMAR-T is a 35 pound 18 inch Circular robot able to reach motor torques of 250 with speeds of 1 ft/sec. SMAR-T is capable of inter- communicating with additional robots over wireless modems.

The robot's control was comprised of two levels: three dedicated low level subsystems (Motor Control, Ultrasonic, and RF Serial) and a 486 laptop PC for higher level control. The two levels communicate via serial interface. The lower level are designed with the 68HC11 8-bit micro-controllers. The high level control consists of C routines providing a multitude of functions. A serial multiplexer board was designed for intra-communications between the low and high level control. The three subsystems provide the ability to sense the robot's environment, control two stepper motors, and communicate with up to 5 additional robots over wireless modem. The robot utilizes an ultrasonic transducer mounted on a stepper motor to obtain radar-type range information. Two stepper motors are used as the mobility source. Speed and acceleration rate sare selectable by the host system with three modes of motor operation available. A protocol was developed for inter-communication between the various robots. Algorithms for wall-following and a cooperative task regarding a rescue mission are realized.\

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