Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Recreation and Leisure Studies

Major Professor

Mary Dale Blantok

Committee Members

Patricia Beital, Ralph Jones


This research attempted to evaluate the quality of customer service provided at both Tickets Unlimited and special event management at Thompson/Boling Arena. The study evaluated Tickets Unlimited in the areas of phone etiquette, refund policies, and handling of ticket and credit card problems. The area of event management at Thompson/Boling Arena involved parking, usher service, problems/complaints, security and crowd control.Descriptive statistics was utilized to examine data of first time and repeat customers.

It was concluded that the overall service of Tickets Unlimited was positive in all areas, but has the capacity to improve. The majority of customers concluded that phone etiquette, overall, was good, while the refund policies where adequate. Very few customers responded to credit card and ticket problems in the study. Those who did say they had a credit card or ticket problem responded that the problem was taken care of immediately and accurately. There was no profound difference between first time and repeat customers when it came to the service of Tickets Unlimited.

The service provided at Thompson/Boling Arena was, overall, also found to be good. In the area of ushers, the majority of customers responded that they were helpful and easily identifiable. Security and crowd control was adequate and for the few respondents that had a problem, the majority responded that it was taken care of immediately and adequately. Parking was important to many of the customers surveyed in this study. parking was easy to find. Customers, overall, responded that There was a slight difference between first time and repeat customers, with first time customers having an easier time finding parking.

Recommendations for improvement included: Inservice training, better phone etiquette, tougher enforced polices, (such as the refund policy); helping the customer out as much as possible, providing a map when tickets are ordered, handling complaints in the utmost manner and taking action immediately. Developing ways to inform the customer of events, and having a number they can call, a recording, just for information was also recommended. If the customer is provided with a good feeling about the service they will continue to use the service and attend special events at Thompson/Boling Arena.

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