Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

W.E. Blass

Committee Members

Stephen J. Daunt, Marianne Breining


Spectra of the v7 band of ethylene and the v7 and v4 bands of methyl cyanide were taken using the tunable diode laser (TDL) spectrometer at the University of Tennessee Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory. The data were analyzed to determine absorption line intensities (strengths). The vibration-rotation spectra were acquired using a 48.26 cm absorption cell and pressures from 15 to 100.3 milliTorr for the ethylene data. The methyl cyanide spectra were obtained using a White cell with a path length of 825 cm and pressures of 61 to 601 milliTorr. In addition, absorption line strengths were determined using Fourier transform spectrometer data from the Kitt Peak National Observatory obtained from John Hillman of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The FTS line strengths were scaled using results from the TDL line strength measurements. Transition line frequencies were determined for the v7 and 3v81 vibration- rotation bands of methyl cyanide. These results were obtained using the FTS data. Calibration of the transition line frequencies was performed using ethylene absorption lines present in the spectra.

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