Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1994
Direct marketing of produce : a study of farmers' markets in Jackson, Knoxville, and Memphis, Tennessee, Kristina Colette Cartier
The roles of Tennessee extension 4-H specialists as perceived by agents, specialists, and adminstrators : a delphi study, Carla Nekell Carver
Spatial resolution of ozone precursor emissions for a selected area in middle Tennessee, 1990, Jo Ellen Brandmeyer Cawlfield
Response of a double probe in a low density D.C. discharge with an analog circuit model comparision, Julia Anne Celenza
Molecular phylogeny and DNA amplification fingerprinting of Petunia species, Teresa Ann Cerny
An experimental study of chaotic behavior of bubbles in liquid columns, Pitchaiah Chakka
An evaluation by simulation of Weibull : a parameter estimation program, Karen T. Chastain
Effect of fiber fabric orientation on the mechanical behavior of continuous fiber ceramic composites, Nikhilesh Chawla
The effect of vitamin E in plasma and lipid peroxidation in newborn pigs, Sung min Choi
The attentional style and competitive anxiety in Tae Kwon Do practitioners, Sung-Il Cho
Stability and control for the light airplane pilot, Richard Noble Clark
The importance retailers ascribe to the child market segment, Scarlett Angelique Clouse
Design criteria of sediment detention ponds for characteristic regional conditions in Tennessee, Robert Harrison Castle Coe
Structural clay tile component behavior, Christopher Eugene Columber
Modeling of soil-pile interaction for bridge foundations under seismic loading, Tommy Lynn Cook
Bayesian techniques for imputation of missing occupational dose/exposure data, Robert A. Cooper III
The development of the Trust Inventory, Laurie L. Couch
Rural character preservation, protection, and enhancement : a program for Knox County, Tennessee, Robert S. Cowell
I took it and I liked it : needs and encouragements for formal Spanish study, Kathryn Gray Craven-Rebelo
Serum immunoglobulin concentrations in response to injectable immunoglobulin in neonatal dairy calves, Melody L. Crawford
Implementation of a speed sensorless vector controlled induction motor drive with zero speed start-up, David R. Crecelius
The relationships among learning style, college major, occupation, and job statisfaction, Holly Jeanette Cross
Facility planning for group work : a case study, Amy E. Crumpton
Evolution of two symbol signals by simulated organisms, Joseph J. Crumpton
Conceptual design of a future night vision system for tactical jet aircraft, David Culbertson
Interaction with Choline and Pantothenic Acid with Carnitine in Humans and Rodents, James William Daily III
An experimental study of natural convection in horizontal rod-bundle enclosures, Tony E. Dalton
Heat transfer in a double-pipe bayonet heat exchanger, Devdutt Dash
Approximate methods for estimating the performance of conventional and unconventional helicopter designs, William David Davenport
The relationship between cohesion and power in staff nurses in an acute care hospital, Rebecca Davidson
Reactive configuration of an internetworking intermediate system, Michael R. Davison
Laser ablation mass spectrometry analyses of fish scales for the determination of Morone Saxatilis movements between fresh water and saltwater habitats, Sandra L. Davis
The 1938 "Purge" campaign in South Carolina and southern political culture in the New Deal era, Travis Dayhuff
Species composition and seasonal abundance of Aphodiine dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in dung from ivermectin-treated and nontreated cattle, Theresa A. Dellinger
A C-type class of mixed river routings, John Charles Dempsey
Earth shoring for cast-in-place and post tensioned bridge construction, Michael T. Dempster
Growth and survival of Salmonella in modified atmosphere packaged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets, Melissa Edlin Denton
The anion-exchange resin-based desulfurization process for spent seed regeneration in an MHD power plant, Rajeev S. Dharmapurikar
Air stripping volatiles from aquifers, Leonard S. Dickerson
The NCAA and secondary infractions, Gerald T. Dickey
The Greek miracle : an artificial life simulation of the effects of literacy on the dynamics of communication, Andrew Douglas Digh
Diet in the Urban Environment: A Trace Element Analysis of a Nineteenth-Century Cadaver Sample from the Cluskey Building, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia, Paul Christopher Dillingham
The development of a data acquisition system for a vacuum-ultraviolet spectroradiometer, Walter Joseph DiVito
Duality in linear inequalities and linear programming, Liet Anh Do
Synthesis and characterization of alkyne adducts of Cp*Co(CpCo)ℓ(CO)ℓ., Jane Doll
Spin-lattice relaxation measurements of Poly(Ethylene Oxide) in aqueous salt solutions, Kathryn Elaine Dowlen
Pedestrian and motorist comprehension of pedestrian laws and traffic control devices, Devin P. Doyle
The outlook of children and mothers on their high-risk neighborhoods, Heather Anne Doyle
Sensor integration and controller design for a smart end-effector, Lassaad Driss
A model of a fixed-film trickle-filter bioreactor for Trichlorethylene degradation, Grant Berkley Duncan
Nuclear criticality safety evaluation of the ℗33U inventory at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory using ENDF/B-V cross section, Michael E. Dunn
Construction of a working restriction map of Frankia cosmid clone pFAH1 and mapping of putative nif genes, Kevin F. Duvel
A comparision of the translations of Aesop's fables by Martin Luther and Heinrich Steinhöwel, Lloyd Anthony Dyer
Optimal control design to reduce sideslip during rolling maneuvers at supersonic mach numbers in the F-14 fighter aircraft, Joe F. Edwards
Effects of initial diameter and ambient pressure on the ignition and combustion of laser-ignited aluminum agglomerates, Kevin Dean Edwards
Molecular genetic analysis of rDNA insertions in Drosophila melanogaster, Lynn Victoria Eisenhour
The working stages of group therapy as a predictor of aftercare attendance, Lynn Beaman English
A PC-Based Signal Validation System for Nuclear Power Plants, Ali Seyfettin Erbay
The economic analysis of a natural gas fired magnetohydrodynamic/steam combined cycle power plant, Daniel Steven Erb
Make no little plans : an ethnographic study on educational theories in a local history project, Carol Jo Evans
Interaction of oxytetracycline and bacterial collangenase in the treatment of bovine retained placenta, Kellie Ann Fecteau
Neural grammatical inference using network-adapted encoding, Michael Peter Ferrell
An automated recognition technique for three-dimensional location and orientation of a circular object, Regina K. Ferrell
Congressional voting on the below-cost timber sale issue : ideologically or economically driven?, Lisa Marie Ferro
Parallel implementations of certain algorithms for the linear inhomogeneous heat and wave equations, Kenneth William Fister
An evaluation of the tactical utility of the F-16 multi-axis thrust vectoring aircraft in the air combat, William A. Flynn
The effect of postharvest calcium and heat treatments on apple (Malus Domestica Borkh.) fruit quality and enzymes of the ethylene biosynthetic pathway, Joseph Lee Forcherio
Some nonstandard-overdetermined boundary value problems for the biharmonic operator, Teresa Jo Fouts
Analysis of dynamic testing performed on structural clay tile infilled frames, Joele Johnston Fowler
Diamondiferous eclogite xenoliths from the Mir Kimberlite, Yakutia, Siberia : geochemistry and petrogenesis, Kathy N. Fraracci
A policy analysis for the implementation of a national weather service ultraviolet radiation forecast, James Lewis A Free
Wafer and wine, Brian Timothy Frye
Sexual Dimorphism in Modern Black and White Cranial Vault Thickness: A Forensic Application for Sexual Discrimination, Butler Fuller IV
The separation dynamics of the COMET FreeFlyer and an upper stage STAR-48V rocket motor, Kevin M. Fuller
An experimental study of vortex surface interactions and 3-D optical topographic mapping, Alfredo Gabrie
A comparison of the analytical, numerical, and experimental solutions to the classic dangling chain problem, Shane G. Gahagan
Assessing the potential for rail-truck intermodal transportation to reduce tractor-trailer accidents on Tennessee highways, Gregory Thad Gaides
A modified method of total elemental analysis for determining background metals in Tennessee, Andrew O. Gallagher
A comparative study of optimal control techniques, Michael James Gallagher
Comparative residual concentrations and activity of selected corn and soybean herbicides, Kent. Gallaher
John Dewey's public and the theory of public ideas, Stephen Lee Garrett
Mechanical Impedance Methods for Vibration Simulation, Jeffrey Allen Gatscher
A dynamically allocating piecewise linear neural network, John Joseph Gerber
Theoretical cross-polarization response of a phased array antenna composed of circularly polarized ferrite phase shifters, William Pryor Gilchrist
Seismic reflection studies of an artificial magma, M. R. Goldman
Sonar-based obstacle avoidance, mapping, and graphical user interfaces for integrated teleautonomous systems, Christopher S. Gourley
Physics and cost optimization study of a torsatron reactor, Karani Gulec
The apprentice, William Gwin
Tillage and traffic effects on soybean root distribution, William Halfman
Design and development of an electronic control system for an electric guitar, John William Halliwell
The implementation and evaluation of reliable IP multicast, Kara Ann Hall
A thermoeconomic analysis of an existing cogeneration plant, Greg Scott Harrell
Impacts of nonpoint source agricultural pollution on a riparian forest community of Herrings Marsh Run Watershed in Duplin County, North Carolina, Jennifer Marie Hart
Instrumental development for ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer : 1. cell modification 2. quadrupolar excitation, Joey Annice Hatcher
The Cervical Spine: Race and Sex Differences, Gwendolyn M. Haugen
An exploration of the impacts of parking management in Knoxville, Tennessee, Kimberly K. Henry
The use of ordinal categorical variables in skeletal assessment of sex, Samantha Marie Hens
Developmental methods to improve A-6E Intruder airplane single engine performance in the flaps and slats extended configuration, Thomas Robert Hoioos
DC servo motor robotic drive system with test fixture, Mark Holdaway