Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agriculture and Extension Education
Major Professor
Robert S. Dotson
Committee Members
Lewis H. Dickenson, Charles L. Cleland
Purposes of the Study: The purposes of the study were four-fold: (1) To identify generally accepted resource development planning principles that are useful in planning Extension-assisted county overall economic development programs. (2) To specify the responsibilities of Extension workers, representatives of other agencies and organizations and local volunteer lay people in the planning of Extension-assisted county overall economic development programs. (3) To develop a suggested procedure for Extension-assisted resource development planning stressing the involvement of local people. (4) To make recommendations for the application of the findings to a typical Indian situation.
Recommended Citation
Hanumanthappa, Hanumanthappa Sanjeevappa, "Principles and Procedures Useful in Planning the Resource Development Part of County and Area Cooperative Extension Work in the United States With Application of Findings to Community Development Work in India. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1962.