Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Joe A. Martin

Committee Members

Ted L. Jones, Howard S. Dye


The major purpose of this study was to provide an overall inventory of rural land ownership in Tennessee, and to develop inferences about the present and future ownership distribution of agricultural land resources. Many types of basic data are either not available in the Census of Agri-culture or are available only for farm lands operated during the census year. Information from this study used in connection with information available in the Census of Agriculture should provide a more complete and useful inventory of land ownership in Tennessee, More specifically, the objectives of this study were: (1) to determine how rural land is distributed by types and value among various classes of owners (2) to determine the extent of land ownership concentration (3) to determine how ownership was acquired (^) to determine the estate held in the land (5) to determine the amount and security of the ownership interest (6) to ascertain what plans owners have for the disposition of their land (7) to determine the relationship between ownership characteristics, kind of land held, land use, and changes in land use.

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