"A study of high school guidance activities regarding vocational agricu" by William Harold Coley

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agriculture and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Wiegers Jr.

Committee Members

H. C. Smith, C. H. Shelton


The study provides school superintendents, principals, teachers, guidance counselors, supervisors, and others with information concerning the present role of the vocational agriculture teacher with students of vocational agriculture in guidance activities. This information will serve as a basis for making changes in the guidance activities of the vocational agriculture teacher. The findings should also help to unify the guidance activities of the teacher of vocational agriculture with the guidance activities of other teachers in the school.

This study provides information concerning the needs felt by teachers of vocational agriculture for further training in guidance which will help guidance supervisors, county superintendents and others plan programs to meet these needs.

The study reveals the level of training of present teachers for guidance work. It gives information on the kind of instructional units teachers of vocational agriculture include in their courses for guidance purposes. It also reveals the attitude of the teachers of vocational agriculture toward present guidance programs in Tennessee high schools.

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