"Management and Performance of Beef Cattle at Ames Plantation" by Everett E. Carrell

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

Charles S. Hobbs

Committee Members

French Bell, H. J. Smith, Robert S. Dotson, R. J. Cooper, T. J. Whatley


The purpose of this study was to observe and participate in management practices, to become familiar with performance testing, and to evaluate bull groups used for one calf crop in the beef cattle research program of the Animal Husbandry Department at Ames Plantation, Grand Junction, Tennessee. Data from the 1958 spring calf crop were used. A feeding test in progress was also included in this study.

The author observed and assisted in all phases of management throughout one calving season. There was considerable variation in performance of the nine bulls used in this study. Indexes on the progeny of the various bulls ranged from 100 to 124.

Income from beef cattle in Fayette County could be increased by applying management practices described in this study. There is also an opportunity in the county for the production of performance tested bulls. Purchasing of bulls with known production characteristics could also add much to the income derived from the beef cattle enterprise in the county.

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