Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Frank F. Bell

Committee Members

Henry A. Fribourg, Luther H. Keller


Yields of corn can be increased by adopting certain levels of crop and soil management factors, such as plant population, variety, nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers, lime and date of planting, as well as growing corn on suitable soils. During the past few years considerable interest has been manifested in efficient management of these factors for optimum yields. One of the objectives of this study was to estimate the extent to which certain of these management factors affect the optimum yield of corn. Management practices also affect size of corn kernels. Due to the greater demand for particular sizes of corn kernels for seed by some farmers, the seed-com producer is interested in adjusting his management practices to produce the desired size of corn kernels.

In view of these facts the study of the effect of certain crop and soil management factors on the corn yield and size of kernels was undertaken, using the data available from certain experiments conducted in Tennessee.

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