Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Stanton P. Parry

Committee Members

Joe Martin, B.D. Raskopf


This thesis was concerned with milk and milk product consumption rates as influenced by various factors in a relatively large Southern city. The specific factors studied were; consumer preferences as to size and type of container, changes in milk product use, the effect of a major milk price was (in effect spring and summer, 1961) and the consumer’s awareness of milk and milk product advertising. Data were also collected to determine consumer knowledge of various institutional arrangements prevalent in dairy marketing and milk price determination. By studying the sample market in detail much was learned about milk consumption patterns of households and some of the economics and psychological factors influencing these consumption patterns. The 1961 data for the sample market were then related to earlier studies for comparison purposes.

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