"Distribution of the Fishes of the Hiwaaee River System-Ecological and " by Robert Knapp Hitch

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Major Professor

David A. Etnier

Committee Members

James T. Tanner, J. Larry Wilson


This paper summarizes the results of seventy-two collections made by the author along Georgia and Tennessee portions of the Hiwassee River. The more interesting species are listed and possible habitat preferences shown by these species are noted.

A discussion of the distribution of fishes within the various tributaries of the Hiwassee is presented, as are possible reasons for the absence of fishes from certain tributary systems.

The problems associated with the taxonomy of the species of the Genera Cottus and Hypentelium are also examined.

The results of this research indicate some of the possible effects of the isolation of the fishes of the Ocoee and Toccoa Rivers.

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