Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George D. Swingle


The area considered in this study encompasses a twenty-five square mile portion of the White Rock Mountain and Iron Mountain quadrangles in the vicinity of Roan Village, Tennessee. The Roan Village area is composed of metamorphic and igneous rocks of Precambrian and Cambrian rocks. The two major formations are the Cranberry Gneiss and the Beech Granite.

The Cranberry Gneiss is Precambrian metasediments. The gneiss is a layered rock of varied composition. Texturally the Cranberry ranges from equigranular to porphyroblastic. Perthitic microcline, albite, quartz, and biotite are major constituents.

The Beech Granite is a Precambrian igneous rock which is intrusive into the Cranberry Gneiss. The Beech is an inequigranular, holocrystalline, pink granite. Microperthitic microcline, albite, and quartz are major constituents. Minerals commonly show signs of alteration and deformation.

The Cranberry Gneiss has been cut by numerous intrusions of granitic, diabasic, aplitic and ultramafic composition. The Beech is cut by many diabase dikes.

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