Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Mary Rose Gram, Cyrus Mayshark


This thesis describes and analyzes the author's field experience with the Michigan Department of Public Health. As a supplementary experience to the academic training in Public Health Nutrition, the purposes of the field experience were: to investigate the health concerns in Michigan, to study the organization and programs of the department and particularly those of the Nutrition Section, and to observe how programs are designed and implemented to meet the established needs. The data for this thesis were obtained from personal conferences, observations, participation, and related literature.

The activities planned for the author were designed to provide orientation to the practice of public health principles at the local level. Through these activities the author gained a more meaningful philosophy of public health, a better understanding of the various roles of a nutritionist, and increased skill in working with both professional and nonprofessional persons. Participation in the development of nutrition guidelines for teachers of expectant parent classes provided opportunities for the application of knowledge and re-evaluation of teaching techniques.

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