Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Major Professor
Garland R. Wells
Committee Members
John W. Barrett, Harold R. DeSelm
In coordination with a timber harvest in 1967 natural and artificial hardwood regeneration studies were established at Ames Plantation in West Tennessee. The artificial regeneration study entailed the establishment of cherrybark oak, yellow poplar, and black walnut plantations. Loblolly pine was also planted to provide on site comparison of pine and hard wood seedling performance. The natural regeneration study evaluated reproduction plots following three types of cutting. A clearcut was utilized throughout the stand; additionally a clearcut with cleaning in advance regeneration was applied to some study plots. Other reproduction cuttings included clearcutting plots containing no advance regeneration and coppice methods. Measurements of initial total height and mortality after two growing seasons were conducted in the artificial regeneration plots, Stand description tables of the natural reproduction treatments were compiled after three growing seasons. Additionally, records of labor and materials used in connection with hardwood regeneration establishment were maintained for the study plots. Preliminary evaluation emphasized the biological aspects of results, in particular the influence of site components on natural and artificial hardwood regeneration. Successful plantations of yellow poplar and cherrybark oak may be attained on suitable sites in West Tennessee, however, establishment will be costly. Control of competing vegetation, particularly honey suckle, is necessary. Yellow poplar should be emphasized on the best sites and cherrybark oak planted on intermediate quality sites. Direct seedling of black walnut cannot be recommended until effective and safe rodent repellents are devised. Successful growth and survival of black walnut requires superior growing sites and intensive cultural inputs. Planting technique (bar versus post hole digger) did not influence hardwood seedling survival or growth. Treatments which clearcut plots containing advance regeneration have not yielded changes in stand composition or structure. Natural hardwood regeneration in plots containing no advance regeneration indicated root sprouts to be an important source of reproduction following logging disturbance. The coppice regeneration treatment appeared to be an effective method of establishing desirable hardwood reproduction. Red oak, white oak, and hickory increased in stems per acre, whereas miscellaneous species were reduced following the treatment.
Recommended Citation
Countess, Michael L., "A preliminary evaluation of natural and artificial hardwood regeneration on Ames Plantation in West Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1971.