Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural and Extension Education
Major Professor
John D. Todd
Committee Members
George W. Wiegers Jr., Bobby Bledsoe
Data were collected from the regional supervisors of agricultural education and selected teachers of vocational agriculture through a mailed questionnaire. All of the supervisors and 80.76 percent of the teachers responded to the study. Findings of the study indicated the following: 1. Teachers of vocational agriculture definitely considered it their responsibility to initiate curricular changes. 2. The offering of specialized courses in agricultural mechanics was definitely the most effective curricula change instituted by teachers of vocational agriculture. This change in specialized course offerings followed in the given order by plant science, animal science, landscaping, small gasoline engines, greenhouse management and soil science. 3. Off-farm agricultural training was moderately effective as a curricula change. 4. Slightly more time was being devoted to agricultural mechanics than production agriculture. These course offerings were followed in order by agricultural supplies and services, ornamental horticulture and agricultural products. 5. Farm mechanics received more teaching time than any other area of production agriculture followed by animal science, plant science, soil science, farm management and leadership training, 6. Whole class instruction had decreased in importance while individualized instruction had shown a marked increase during the past four years. Plant science, animal science, farm management, forestry and pulpwood production had received the greatest decrease in emphasis during the past four years. 8. Farm mechanics, leadership, landscaping and small gasoline engines were receiving more emphasis in the classroom than four years ago. 9. Agricultural sales and services, leadership, greenhouse management, farm mechanics and landscaping are subject areas that should receive more emphasis in the decade ahead, 10. Fifty five percent of the vocational agriculture graduates for the past four years were engaged in farming or off farm agricultural occupations. 11. Production agriculture had declined in curricular emphasis and off farm agricultural occupations had shown a marked increase, 12. There had been very little change in emphasis for leadership activities, but indications were that they would receive considerably more emphasis in the future.
Recommended Citation
Dixon, W. Paul, "Changes made, needed and proposed in the vocational agriculture curriculum in Tennessee since the enactment of the 1968 Vocational education amendments. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1971.