"A Critique of Robert S. Hartman's 'Four Axiological Proofs of the Infi" by Raymond M. Pruitt

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Rem B. Edwards

Committee Members

John W. Davis, Dwight Van de Vate, Jr.


The purpose of this thesis is to examine Professor Robert S. Hartman's notion that the individual human person is of infinite value. In a recent paper he attempts to establish his concept by arguments which are founded upon four axiological definitions of man: epistemological, logical, ontological, and teleological.

The thesis is concerned with the validity of the arguments, their applicability to the existing human person, and whether or not Professor Hartman has made unwarranted assumptions.

I conclude that his arguments tend to be circular, and there are too many assumptions. I believe he has made a good case for the uniqueness of the human person, but the notion that man is infinite has not been sufficiently clarified.

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