Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

John H. Reynolds

Committee Members

Henry Fribourg, David Coffey


The effects of four cutting schedules on persistence of the plants and concentration of carbohydrates in the roots of two varieties of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) were studied at Knoxville, Tennessee« The two varieties studied were Kenland, a recommended variety in Tennessee, and Kentucky Synthetic A-2, an experimental variety developed at the University of Kentucky. Each variety was subjected to cutting frequencies of two, three, four and six times per year. Stand esti-mates were made and samples were taken for carbohydrate analysis at selected intervals during the first year after the seedling winter. Kentucky Synthetic A-2 maintained a greater stand density than Kenland at the termination of the study. At that time there was no significant difference in stand density among cutting treatments within a variety. Stand density of the Kentucky Synthetic A-2 was two to three times greater than was that of the Kenland. Carbohydrate reserve trends revealed a significantly higher percentage of total nonstructural carbohydrates in the roots of Kentucky Synthetic A-2 than in those of Kenland on three of the seven sampling dates. Yearly trends for all treatments included a slight increase in percentage from June to September, a sharp increase during the late fall months, and a decrease in total nonstructural carbohydrates from a November or December peak into spring. Correlation coefficients for the relationship between the percent-age of total nonstructural carbohydrates on a given date and the stand density for the same treatment on some later date did not reveal any significant relationship. The correlation coefficient for September carbohydrates with the September to October stand reduction was positive and significant at the .05 level of probability.

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