"Attitude of faculty toward the desegregated school program at Alcoa El" by James D. White

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Educational Administration


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the differences in attitudes and perceptions of the faculty members at Alcoa Elementary School toward the desegregated school program.

A questionnaire was constructed to request opinions from the 28 teachers in Alcoa Elementary School concerning the attitudes and perceptions of the white and black teachers toward the program of racial desegregation in the school.

The responses to the questionnaire revealed that there were few differences in the attitudes and perceptions of the white teachers and the black teachers in regard to the success and future of the desegregated school program at Alcoa Elementary School. However, there were a few points of difference which were illustrated in the tables. Generally, the white teachers were more optimistic than the black teachers about the future of the program, while the black teachers were more reserved in their opinions.

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