Masters Theses


Fred B. Gregg

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Wiegers

Committee Members

John Todd, C. Kenneth Taumer


This study was an attempt to determine the situation on a national basis relative to important curricular aspects of agricultural education on the secondary level. Data were collected from state supervisors of agricultural education through a mailed questionnaire. A respondence of 76 percent was received. Production agriculture, even though declining in curricular emphasis, composed the single largest element of curriculum; and subject matter areas such as horticulture, agribusiness, farm power and machinery, forestry, conservation, natural resources, and cooperative work experience were receiving increased emphasis. Emphasis during the 70's was expected to be heavily directed toward subject matter areas which have implications of ecological importance. Ornamental horticulture was also expected to receive even greater emphasis. Eighty four percent of the respondents indicated that special provisions were being provided for the disadvantaged, but little substantiative evidence of significant efforts was found. A core curriculum was provided for local agricultural education departments by 60 percent of the respondents while the practice of developing and implementing common cores of curriculum for agricultural education and one or more other vocational service was found to be a rare practice. Agricultural programs were found to be largely organized around one hour classes granting one credit, with two years of basic agriculture followed by one or more specialized courses. Granting of specific credit for cooperative work experience was found to be a common practice.

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