Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1974
The response of snapdragons, Antirrhinum majus L., to summer greenhouse growing conditions in Tennessee, Mitzi Gwyn Miller
The environmental education program of an urban elementary school, William F. Moyer
Food Preference Influences on Meal Selections of High School Students at Central High School, Knoxville, Tennessee, Robbie Fowler Needham
The relationships between porcine longissmus dorsi histological traits and carcass and performance characteristics, John David Parks
Food use of 'wild' plants by Cherokee indians, Myra Jean Perry
Food Use of "Wild" Plants by Cherokee Indians, Myra Jean Perry
Food Use of Wild Plants by Cherokee Indians, Myra Jean Perry
The effects of furrow irrigation with water and dairy manure slurry on yield of corn silage, Robert Steven Pile
Field Experiences with the Office of Public Health Nutrition, Nassau County Department of Health, Nassau County, New York, Bobbette A. Price
Effect of various levels of bird resistant grain sorghum on the live performance and carcass characteristics of meat type swine, Calvin F. Prince
Determination of erosion factors by the nomograph method and their use in soil-loss prediction on some Tennessee soils, Fred E. Rhoton
Wildlife management guide for the Chuck Swan Wildlife Management Area, Larry Elliott Safley
Evaluation of supplemental mixtures containing magnesium for prevention of grass tetany in beef cattle, David Wayne Saylor
Effect of selected variables on prices received for feeder pigs in the Sevierville feeder pig sale, Michael Lynn Sharp
Productivity of Dewey and Emory soils for soybeans, Dewey Victor Simpson
A Field Experience in Public Health Nutrition with the Nutrition Section of the Delaware Division of Public Health, Teresa Ann Thompson
Attitudes of Hospital Dietary Supervisors as Affected by a Training Program, Dorothy Mary Thum Sister
A study of the relationships between body characteristics and ovarian activity in Hereford heifers, John Oliver Wallace
Furrow irrigation of corn with water and dairy manure slurry, James Baxter Wills
An evaluation of low-cost minimum standard housing in rural Tennessee, Earl Maurice Wimbish
A Metrical Analysis of the Morphological Relationship Between Prehistoric Dallas and Historic Cherokee Skeletal Populations in East Tennessee, Moira H. M. Wright
The evaluation of stabilizers used in cottage cheese, Yih-Chuan Wu
Response of soybeans to acid soils and to aluminum and manganese on nutrient solution, Marlon W. Yankee
Masters Theses from 1973
Initial Feasible Solutions of Three Dimensional Transportation Problems, Mamoru Aiga
The movement; sorption, loss and chemical distribution of arsenic-74 labeled disodium methanearsonate in some Tennessee soils, Michael B. Akins
Effects of strains and certain nutritional factors on incidence of toe abnormalities, eyeball and body weights of chickens, Nahil Mohammed Ali
An evaluation of the property tax system of Tennessee as applied to timberland--a productivity approach, Joseph Craig Allinder
Strain differences with respect to economic traits of egg laying chickens entered in the Tennessee Random Sample Laying Test, Shaker Al-Mohammadi
Compensation for reduced stands in burley tobacco experiments, Larry E. Archer
Influence of selected factors on numbers of office visits and telephone calls made to the Wilson County Extension Office, Lebanon, Tennessee, Melvin Haskel Arnett
The cherry plum pigment as a natural red food colorant, Cathy Lou Hix Baker
Demographic characteristics of cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) populations on enclosed areas of natural habitat, James Rosser Brady
Costs and returns of operating feeder pig sales in Tennessee, Joseph Arnold Brasher
Geology of the East Fork Mine and Vicinity, Sevier County, Tennessee, John Charles Brower
Enzymatic modification of proteinaceous vegetable materials for infant food in Turkey, Sevim Caglar Burklin
Average and potential yields of different crops on certain soils of Tennessee, Harold Franklin Carpenter
A Comparison of Natural Body Bouyancy of Negro and Caucasian Boys, Estelle Clemence Carter
The Effectiveness of Montessori Sensorial Materials With Preschool Children, Dorothy Raney Chitwood
A comparison of two methods to produce soy protein-lipid films, Wan Nan Chou
Public Health Nutrition Field Experience with the Chattanooga-Hamilton County, Tennessee, Health Department in 1973, Charlotte Bickford Colvard
Attitudes of prospective and present agricultural education teachers toward selected vocational agriculture activities, Joe Curtis Combs
An evaluation of yellow-poplar samaras by radiography, Russell Alfred Cox
Effects of atmospheric aerosols on scattering reflected visible light from earth resouce features, Wayne Thomas Davis
The fishes of the Obion River system, William Clark Dickinson
Characteristics of viewers of a Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service educational television series on renovating furniture, Lois Claudine Dixon
Factors affecting carcass traits of beef, Thomas Eugene Fortune
A Field Experience in Public Health Nutrition with the Florida Division of Health, Susan Morrill Fowlkes
A provenance and progency test in northern red oak (quercus rubra L.), William R. Gall
The effects of feeding two sources of protein with and without hay on the performance of beef heifers and steers, James L. Giffin
Systems of johnsongrass control in soybeans, David Keith Glover
Some aspects of the temporal structure of prices on the live hog futures market, Rene Gouin
Effects of protein levels on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of meat type swine, Richard Estill Groce
Systematic Human Relations Training and Resident Assistant Effectiveness, William Foster Hayes Jr.
No-till planting of soybeans in barley stubble with chemical weed control, Jerry Lange Hixon
A study of the use of the Putnam County soil survey and supplement in site selection for selected non-agricultural uses in Putnam County, Colin A. Hogan
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the culling practices in the Knoxville Experiment Station dairy herd, Clyde Raymond Holmes
The American Party in Tennessee--1968-1971: a history of its development and a portrait of its leadership, Paul H. (Tony) Holmes
The effects of antemortem and postmortem management on the quality of processed catfish, Stanley Thyson Hord
Increase in knowledge of homemakers participating in Extension's Expanded food and nutrition program in selected Tennessee counties, 1973, Mary Louise Horton
Pathogenic and cultural varability in Helminthosporium maydis nisikado and miyake, Philip Pryor Hunter
Production of slaughter heifers using fescue-lespedeza and orchardgrass-clover pastures and two levels of winter feeding, James Edward Jones Jr.
Effects of direct application of selected pesticides upon honey bee colonies, James Alvin Keener
A Histological Study of Bovine Longissimus Muscle Fiber Characteristics as Related to Performance and Carcass Traits, Jimmy Ted Keeton
Moisture level effects on three packaging and handling systems for midland bermudagrass hay, William Leo Kilgore
An open-helix harvesting mechanism for use on bell peppers, John Thomas King
Establishing Dramatic Space on Non-proscenium Stages through Lighting, David Kip Kriebs
Phospholipid Content of Beef Biceps Femoris as Affected by Cooking, Carolyn Jean Lackey
A Field Experience in Public Health Nutrition with the Nutrition Section of the Florida Division of Health, Mary Beth Lawler
An Audio-Tutorial Diet Instruction Program for the Educationally Disadvantaged Hemodialysis Patient, Virginia King Lawson
A study of the factors affecting the cost of raising replacement beef heifers, Ben David Lee
The acceptability of various protein concentrate extenders in summer sausage, Eric Hwa-Lien Lee
Partial purification and characterization of pectin methyl esterase in vegetable soybeans, James Ronald Lee
A Study of Relationships Among Bone Density, Urinary Hydroxyproline, and the Metabolic Balances of Calcium, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen in Geriatric Women, Margaret Davies MacDuff
Hikers in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Their Attitudes, Characteristics, and Implications for Management, Gary C. Marsh
Communication patterns of 100 Tennessee farm supply dealers, Merle R. Menegay
Public Health Nutrition Field Experience with the Sullivan County, Tennessee, Health Department in 1972, Anita Weinbren Miller
Influence of selected personal characteristics and county situational factors on time allocated to dairy subjects by extension agents in selected Tennessee counties, Sherwin Dean Northcutt
Nikos Kazantzakis and Albert Camus, Maria Eugene Oakberg
A Survey of American Critical Reaction to the Film Career of Clarence Brown, Deborah L. Oliver
A Critical Examination of the Ethical Philosophy of Ayn Rand, Virginia Jean Osborn
Food Acceptability as Affected by Fluorescent Lighting, Janice Ward Pafford
Some effects of six annual tillage treatments on certain physical and chemical properties of a Memphis silt loam soil after four years in cotton production, Stephen Mooring Parks
Food Preservation Practices Used by Selected Homemakers in Hancock County, Tennessee, Doris Ellen Phillips
Relationship of yield of several cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to specific leaf weight, plant density, and chemical composition, Terry K. Porter
Statistical Analysis of a Health Attitude Survey in Three East Tennessee Counties, Georgianne Dunavant Ratliff
The use of the oxidase test for enumerating psychrophilic bacteria in cottage cheese, Kadumpalli Anjan Reddy
TRAX-A finite element computer program for transient heat conduction analysis of axisymmetric bodies, James Kenneth Rochelle
Evaluation of site quality of an upland hardwood forest at Scott County, Tennessee, Luis E. Rodriguez
Soil moisture and row spacing effects on cotton fiber properties, James Winford Rugh
Observations and Experiences with the Nutrition Consultant of the North Carolina Special Project for Comprehensive Maternal and Infant Health Care, Walter Paul Saraniecki
Some behavioral and demographic characteristics of a bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) population, Ronald Harry Saunders
Seasonal Food Habits of European Wild Hogs (Sus scrofa) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Charles D. Scott
Seasonal Food Habits of European Wild Hogs (Sus Scrofa) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Charles D. Scott
German-Speaking Peoples in Tennessee from Colonial Times to World War I: An Introduction and Bibliography, Maria Slonina
Evaluations of systems for growing and finishing steers on pasture, Charles Milton Southall
Fish Fauna of the Hatchie River System, Wayne Calvin Starnes
Paleoenvironmental analysis of the Lenoir Limestone of southern Knox County, Tennessee., John Patterson Stephenson
The effects of creep feeding Hereford heifers on performance and growth to maturity, William Thomas Swanks