"In-Service Education in the Sevier County Schools" by William Oscar Bryant

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Educational Administration

Major Professor

E. S. Christenbury

Committee Members

Orin B. Graff, Kenneth E. McIntyre


Statement of the Problem: It is the purpose of the writer to give in this study a description of the in-service education program of Sevier County. In order that the reader may understand the program as it now is, it will be necessary to give a brief history of what had been done previous to this year in the way of in-service education, a description of the county, and an analysis of the present program. Perhaps the writer, or other supervisors, will find the study useful in planning next steps in the supervisory program of Sevier County. This study is simply a method of taking stock--of seeing what has been done, what needs to be done, and the direction to be taken in so doing.

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