Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Business Administration
Major Professor
Ross M. Robertson
Committee Members
Robert M. Strahl
[From the Conclusions]
The purpose of this study was to discover the truth concerning the relative well-being of tobacco farmers insofar as that well-being has been dependent upon the production of a specific commodity, tobacco. The conclusion reached may be stated quite simply: the tobacco grower has been in a relatively favorable position since 1911 as measured by his terms of exchange and as compared with the growers of previously specified commodities. The arguments for and against the terms of exchange as a measuring device have been stated. No conclusion has been reached as to whether or not the tobacco grower has, since 1911, been subjected to exploitation.
Recommended Citation
Russell, Jean Debusk, "Tobacco Farmers, Other Farmers and Terms of Exchange. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1953.
Major is listed as Marketing.