Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Health and Human Sciences
Major Professor
H. H. Walker
Committee Members
A. M. Johnston, Orin B. Graff
The Problem: Education progressed from the study of the classics by a few, to the learning of the three R's by many, and more lately has expanded to include not only intellectual development but also other phases of man's personality. From this view point:
Education . . . has recognized that individuals are whole personalities. . . . . Schools and community agencies, therefore, should be concerned not only with the individuals' intellectual development and needs but also with his social, emotional, physical, aesthetic, and ethical development and needs.
Health is of primary importance in the development of the individual in our society, and is recognized as one of the basic objectives of all education.
Health of all ages of mankind, infancy, childhood, and maturity has become of national, state, and local education interest.
Recommended Citation
Wynne, Eloise Harris, "Some Observations on the Health Program in Clinton High School with Particular Emphasis on the Needs of the Students. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1952.