"A Study of the Ability of Sevier County to Support its Schools" by Dewey Large

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Educational Administration

Major Professor

Orin B. Graff

Committee Members

John W. Gilliland, Robert S. Fleming


Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of he people of Sevier County to support a program of education in its public schools. The available finances and possible sources of revenue for developing, maintaining and improving public education within the County will be investigated with the intention of clarifying the complete financial aspect of the educational situation. It is hoped that the report of findings in this study will be favorably accepted and used by the Quarterly Court and the Board of Education of Sevier County.

The educational situation and financial conditions of the County will be shown with little attention to other county or city school systems. This writing will not be a detailed financial statement of debit and credit, and liabilities and assets, but will be an attempt to show, through a study of the existing financial conditions of Sevier County, the present ability to support and educational program and to perhaps determine ways of channeling that ability to more effectively meet the needs of the people in a total program of education.

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