"A Study of Factors Involved in Organizing and Administering a Student " by Joy Coulter Bauch

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Educational Administration

Major Professor

John W. Gilliland

Committee Members

Roy F. Litle


(From Chapter I) In a time when public education is being adversely criticized on all sides by those who would find fault with any aspect of our public schools (apparently more for the sake of sensationalism and publicity than for constructive criticism), we must always be alert to accept the challenge to better our schools, maintain deep-rooted convictions concerning the education of our American youth, and strive to experiment and put into practice those concepts which may lead to better schools, better teachers, and a better educated American public. Although at times subjected to tirades from newspaper editorials and magazine articles, and questioning by civic groups and parents, many educators including the classroom teachers seem to dismiss or simply overlook the importance of such criticism and hence carry on their work without seriously considering the need for any improvement of any sort.

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