Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Economics
Major Professor
E. J. Long
Committee Members
A. Ziel Helly
This is an historical study of Agriculture in the State of Tennessee for the decade 1930 through 1940 designed to display the efficacy of:
(1) changes in the agricultural labor force, and
(2) changes in the agricultural population as independent variables when correlated with:
(A) percent change in the number of farms,
(B) percent change in the average number of acres per farm,
(C) change in the value of all products, and
(D) percentage changes in total tenancy. Industrialization, as against agriculture, has been injected into this quantitative analysis by two methods (as shall be apparent later) which would permit severely qualified generalizations to be drawn from the data relating to the industrialization of an area to concomitant changes in its agriculture.
Recommended Citation
Moore, Edgar Pricer, "An analysis of selected agricultural factors in Tennessee, 1930-1940. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1952.