Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Economics
Major Professor
Erven J. Long
Committee Members
Howard J. Bonsar, John F. Fischer
The purpose of this study is therefore designed to answer the following questions:
1. Does the existing system of farm tenancy in Egypt give landowners an unfair advantage over tenants?
2. Which of the methods of farm tenancy is most equitable to the two parties, and on what basis can equitable rents be determined?
3.How are incomes and expenses shared between the landowner and tenant? Is the net return per acre less than the rent value or, in other words, do tenants actually lose from their lease? If they do lose, why do they continue to rent the land?
4. What kind of market position does tenancy in Egypt constitute? Is there a monopoly among landowners?
5. What are the economically and socially justifiable reasons of state control? What are the benefits and shortcomings?
6. In the case of governmental intervention, what should be the aims and the limitations of such intervention?
7. What will be the social and economic impact of the new law upon the present tenancy situation?
Recommended Citation
El Ghonemy, Mohamad Riad, "A study and analysis of farm tenancy in Egypt. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1951.