Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Economics
Major Professor
Erven J. Long
Committee Members
M. B. Badenhop, John L. Fischer
The general purpose of this report is to provide information on the cooperative marketing of tobacco to farmers, agricultural workers, and persons directly connected with the tobacco marketing cooperative. Specifically, the aims are:
a. To determine the status of membership relations of the association which would provide the manager and public relations officers with information needed to do a better job of increasing the member's knowledge of organization and operation of the association, keeping members better satisfied and improving the marketing setup of the association.
b. To determine the effect of certain characteristics of farmers such as age, formal education, tenure, size of farming business, etc., on their attitudes toward, and knowledge of the association and cooperatives in general.
c. To determine the attitude of the farmers toward the association and the government programs affecting tobacco growers.
d. To establish general principles of relationship between the associations and their members which may be applicable to other cooperatives.
Recommended Citation
Bowers, Furman Preston, "Farmers' knowledge of and attitudes toward the Eastern Dark Fired Tobacco Growers' Association, and the government programs. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1951.