Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Human Ecology
Major Professor
June Cozine
Committee Members
Letty Mitchell, Christine Beasley
(From Purpose and Plan of Study)
The major purposes of this study were:
1. To find out what teaching methods were used most frequently by teachers in the various areas of home economics.
2. To find out whether teaching methods used seemed to produce satisfying results in terms of (a) pupil's liking for a subject matter area and (b) pupil's achievement.
Recommended Citation
Oliver, Lois Naomi, "A Study of the Teaching Methods Reported As Having Been Used by Home Economics Teachers in Vocational Classes of the High Schools in the Roanoke District of Virginia, 1949-50. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1952.
Major is listed as Home Economics Education. No Abstract included.