Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

William E. Cole


The increased conservation and military activities of the federal government during the last twenty-five years have made it necessary that families or groups of families be removed from their established communities. This has been brought about by the development of public parks, military reservations, retirement of submarginal land, formation of artificial lakes by governmental agencies, the removal of families from timbered-out and mined-out areas and by other related products. To a considerable extent, the land has been condemned and bought, the people forced to move and re-establish themselves as best they might under their own resources. This study is an attempt to tell the history of family removal as carried out by the Tennessee Valley Authority in reservoir area. In this study no attempt is made to compare the removal procedures with other procedures used by the federal government since adequate records are not available for purposes of comparison.

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