Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Food Science and Technology
Major Professor
Melvin R. Johnston
Committee Members
Ivon E. McCarty, George M. Campbell, Carroll Shell
As snap bean production continues to grow in economic importance in several areas of the United States, it is essential to determine, and if possible, correct the problems of sloughing and splitting of pods which results in down grading of the processed product. The acreage of snap beans grown for processing has risen in Tennessee from a 1959-63 average of 9,040 to a 1965 acreage estimate of 13,700 which represents a 51.5 percent increase. The estimated increase for 1965 in acreage for processing is 14 percent over that of 1964 and marks the ninth consecutive year in Tennessee for an increase in acreage for processing (5). The problems of sloughing of the outer skin and splitting of pods in both canned and frozen snap beans have been recognized for some time. Though many research workers have explored the situation, the reason or reasons for sloughing and splitting of the pods have not yet been completely clarified.
The objectives of this study were; (1) to determine varietal differences in sloughing and splitting of pods (2) to determine if a relationship exists between amounts of water soluble pectin in the bean and degree of sloughing and splitting of the pods, and (3) to determine the effects of certain post harvest treatments on sloughing and splitting of pods.
Recommended Citation
Pearson, John Marion, "A histochemical study of the green bean pod. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1965.