"A Report of Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State " by Roseann Catherine Loskill

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Frances A. Schofield, Harold H. Walker


Introduction [Abbreviated]:

This report is a student's interpretation of the nutrition program carried out by the Nutrition Section of the North Carolina State Board of Health . It is based on seven weeks of field experience completed by the student under the guidance of the Assistant Chief of the Nutrition Section. Realizing that it is impossible to grasp the scope of such a broad and varied program in so limited a time, the student describes and evaluates the nutrition program as it appeared during the field experience.

The purpose of the field experience was to supplement the student's academic training in Public Health Nutrition at the University of Tennessee. Throughout the training period, the student attempted to gain an understanding of how nutrition services are integrated into the total health program of the North Carolina State Board of Health. The student's main objectives were: (1) to study the organization and administration of an official public health agency and in particular that of the nutrition unit, (2) to ascertain the methods used in the planning and execution of a nutrition program, (3) to determine how nutrition is integrated into a total community health program, and (4) to become familiar with the tools and techniques used in teaching nutrition to people at various levels of education.

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