Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications
Major Professor
George W. Wiegers Jr
Committee Members
Otto P. Legg, T.J. Whatley, A.J. Paulus, Elizabeth Love
Teachers of vocational agriculture in Tennessee are giving increased attention to the teaching of agricultural credit. Some teachers have a very definite need for new and improved techniques in teaching agricultural credit. Most teachers rely to a great extent on local lending agencies for instructional materials and for instructors. The personnel available in these local lending agencies are usually not trained in teaching techniques.
It is not a justifiable practice for teachers merely to state that training in the use of credit is important and then do little to develop a sound educational program to provide the necessary education. Total farm debt on January 1, 1963, was 80 per cent higher than ten years ago. Changes in agriculture are demanding organized instruction of the highest quality in the educational field embracing agricultural credit.
Education and capital can be considered to be technical complements in agricultural production. Except within a narrow range, benefits from capital cannot be obtained without increasing the education of farm operators. Agricultural education of higher quality will be needed. The demand for more instruction in agricultural credit will probably increase in the future.
Recommended Citation
Gregory, Harold Cara, "An agricultural credit education program for students of vocational agriculture in Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1965.