Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Human Ecology
Major Professor
Phyllis Ilett
Committee Members
Lorna J. Gassett, Claire Gilbert
Expenses incurred as a result of illness or accident can be an insurmountable threat to the economic security of many families. While it is known that in Tennessee over 2,500,000 persons had some form of health insurance protection in 1962 (19, p. 27), no data are available, so far as the writer was able to ascertain, on how rural families in the state have attempted to make provision against the risk of extensive health costs.
Enrollment of selected groups of rural families in health insurance programs has been reported in a number of studies made in various sections of the country. However, in few of these has there been any information about types of coverage carried and benefits, and practically no information is available on the comprehension of policy provisions by subscribers.
Knowledge of socio-economic factors which may be associated with efforts of rural families to make financial provision for the risk of unforeseeable health expenses is sparse. Information on why people do not carry health insurance appears to be nonexistent. Little is known about rural people's preparedness for later years. As health insurance may well be a portion of security for those years, it is of importance to obtain facts on family planning during preretirement years.
It is hoped that the information on various aspects of health insurance participation provided in this study will be of value not only to home economists, agriculturalists and welfare workers but also to other educators interested in and working with rural families.
Recommended Citation
Felder, Willie F., "Health Insurance Status of Selected Rural Families in Sevier County, Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1964.