Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Food Science and Technology
Major Professor
M.R. Johnston
Committee Members
J.K. Bletner, O.E. Goff
The effect of supplemental fat in the poultry diet is of economic interest to poultry producers. Lard, beef tallow, stabilized yellow grease, and fancy bleachable fat have been used extensively. Soybean oil and corn oil also have been used successfully. Peanut oil is an additional source of fat for the poultry diet.
Fats are known to make two important nutritional contributions: (a) energy, and (b) essential fatty acids. Growth rate and efficiency of food utilization are the main basis for evaluating the effect of supplemental fat in the growing chick diet. Some fats and feed ingredients have been found to impart their natural flavor to the cooked meat. Consequently, organoleptic evaluation of the finished product is essential in ascertaining the desirability of using a supplemental fat.
In different parts of the world, especially in the tropics where the environment is not suitable for the soybean crop, the peanut crop is foremost. The correlated use of peanut oil as a fat source and peanut meal as a sole protein source for the poultry diet seems economically advantageous. In the Afro-Asian countries, peanut meal is being used experimentally as a protein supplement for human nutrition, and refined peanut oil is used extensively for cooking purposes. In these countries, commercialization of poultry husbandry is at an early stage. Profitable use of indigenous products in the poultry industry would be of prime interest at this time.
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of peanut meal (50 percent protein) and peanut oil in broiler diets on growth, feed efficiency, characteristics of deposited fat and organoleptic characteristics of the roasted white and dark meat.
Recommended Citation
Shah, Bharat Manu, "Growth and quality of broilers from peanut oil-peanut meal diets. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1965.