"Corn production practices in Cheatham County : a special problem in li" by James G. McCall

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

C. C. Chamberlain

Committee Members

C. S. Hobbs, Lewis Dickson


Since·the beginning of Extension work in Cheatham County the Extension Service has ·recommended improved corn production practices; but, according to the 1959 census (6:22 1), Cheatham County farmers still produced only 355,093 bushels of corn on 9,317 harvested acres. The average yield then was approximately 38 bushels per acre compared with the 137 bushels per·acre averaged for certain 195 8 varietal tests at the Highland Rim Experiment Station at Springfield, Tennessee (3:12).

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