Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1977
An evaluation of the effects of three marking techniques on the growth, behavior, and mortality of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), Caney Parmele Knauth
Description and factor analysis of the use of selected practices by Tennessee grade A dairymen in 1970 and 1975, James M. Knight
Nonfarm development and adjustments in local agriculture in Upper East Tennessee, 1954-1969, William C. Kolberg
Effect of reducing dietary anions (phosphate and chloride) on production characteristics of layers, Sarah Sykes Lambert
The effect of forced ventilation with high moisture air on bulk loads of snap beans, John Richard Lehman
An analysis of marketing costs incurred, methods used, and prices received by producers utilizing Tennessee organized feeder pig sales, Thomas Hewes Loose
Effect of feeding management on yield, histological, palatability and quality characteristics of beef, Joey Wayne Lusby
The effect of soybean and cottonseed meals on metabolism of iodine and thyroxine in calves, Wilfred A. Lyke
Effects of oral versus intra-muscular iron on the preweaning performance and hematology of swine, John Andrew MacGuire
Middle and Late Archaic Mortuary Patterning: An Example from the Western Tennessee Valley, Ann L. Magennis
The Flora of Citico Creek Wilderness Study Area, Cherokee National Forest, Monroe County, Tennessee, Jeffry Lowell Malter
The influence of some cutting bill variables on hardwood dimension stock yields, Bruce A. Manalan
Discriminant Analysis of Some East Tennessee Forest Herb Niches, Linda K. Mann
The Seasonal, Altitudinal, and Vegetational Incidence of Black Bear Scats in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Susie Jo Kelly Matthews
Psychrometric parameters for accelerated yellowing of burley tobacco, John Thomas Melton
Comparison of knowledge and participation levels of explorer and junior 4-H members in open area classrooms with those in self-contained classrooms in Davidson County, Tennessee, Shirley Fay Miller
Lipids of defatted soy-flours during storage, Richard Edward Moyers
Factors contributing to the decision of former 4-H campers to return or not return to the District IV Junior Camp in 1976 as seen by their parents, Rebecca Anne Murray
Complete rations utilizing hay or corn silage for dairy calves, Ronnie Ray Nease
An Analysis of the European Artifacts from Chota-Tanasee, an Eighteenth Century Overhill Cherokee Town, Robert Dolan Newman
Quality of soy fortified bread as affected by soy flour lipids and water dispersibility of soy protein, Whei-Ling Karin Pao
Control of oxidation in butteroil, Dilip Narendra Patel
The effects of sires on pre-postweaning and carcass characteristics of polled hereford cattle, Joseph Franklin Pearson
A Study of the Effects of Syllable Releasing and Arresting Function on the Correct Articulation of /s/ by Normal and Articulatory Defective Children, John Carlton Pennington
An evaluation of the effects of the anabolic steroid, methandrostenolone, on growth and gross pathology in channel catfish, Kenneth R. Perry
Houseplace influence on the avian utilization of pine monocultures, Savannah River Plant, South Carolina, Peter George Poulos
The influence of pasteurization temperatures, homogenization pressures and storage duration at 4C̊ on activity of milk xanthine oxidase, Ong-Ard Praepanitchai
The Congressional Campaigns of James K. Polk, 1824-1837, Joseph M. Pukl Jr.
An economic analysis of three alternative methods of harvesting, bulk curing and market preparation of burley tobacco, William R. Ramsey
Production of phosphomannan from cheddar cheese whey by Hansenula holstii, Lakshma O. Rao
An Analysis of East Tennessee Dalton Projectile Points, Wayne D. Roberts
A Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Mississippian Faunal Remains from the Normandy Reservoir, Neil Douglas Robison
Trade Networks and the Development of Local Status and Rank in Dallas Society, John G. Sabol Jr.
Reproductive and growth performance of Athymic mice on three dietary levels of crude protein, Mary A. Setlow
Interactions of heptachlor (a chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide) and soil microflora, Nabil B. Shamiyeh
The swamp and mesic forests of the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, Lawrence Roy Smith
The effects of genotype and environment on traits and their correlations in layers, Nazar Thannoon Taha
The Recovery of Stream Benthic Insect Communities Following Coal Strip Mining in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee, Anthony Talak Jr.
Rainy Season Food Behavior of Selected Families in a Miskito Indian Village in East Nicaragua, Rhonda Dale Terry
Maturing rate as predicted by subjective and objective description of Hereford feeder heifers, Steven H. Umberger
Effect of selected variables on prices received for feeder pigs in the Cookeville Feeder Pig Sales, Willard Lacy Upchurch
Use of Synchromate-B treatment for estrus synchronization in beef cows and heifers and its subsequent effect on reproductive performance, Johnnie Russell Vaughan
Microbial reduction of the chemical oxygen demand of cottage cheese whey, Ellen Thomson Vigdorth
Length-growth patterns with the prediction and adjustment equation for length of pigs from birth to 70 days of age, David Paul Walker
A comparison of food conversion, growth, and weight loss due to deprivation of two subspecies of largemouth bass, Melvin Lee Warren
Economics of Timber Resource Availability in a Tennessee Timbershed, John Lee Wells
Histological distribution of orange G-specific cytoplasmic globules and safranin-aniline blue-specific cytoplasts in the shoot of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Emily Robertson Whittier
Timber availability and the influence of absentee ownership, James Levourn Wiggins
Trees for Iraq from homoclimates, Mouaffaq D. Yahya
Masters Theses from 1976
The effects of acylation on the functionality and performance of cottonseed flour, Firyal B. Al-Dabbagh
A regression model for predicting broiler prices, David Donald Asbridge
Evaluation of in-furrow and foliar insecticidal treatments for the control of thrips (Thysanoptera) on seedling cotton in Tennessee, Gayle Franklin Bailey
The effect of selected variables on carcass traits of beef, Jon Michael Baker
Consumer Acceptance and Evaluation of Quality Attributes of Beef Semimembranosus Roasts Heated at Three Oven Rates, Norma Pauline Ball
A comparative analysis of selected Tennessee 4-H standards for the years 1965 and 1975 with projections to 1981, James A. Batsford
Changes in buttermilk on storage with special reference to flavor, Sampath Kumar N. Bhoopalam
The effects of processing variables on the color of canned red beets, Robert Larry Bishop
A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Vertebrate Remains From Chota-Tanasi, A Historic Cherokee Village in East Tennessee, Arthur E. Bogan
Juvenile delinquency in rural areas : an exploratory study in East Tennessee, William Dan Bolton
Minimum capital requirements for specified income levels in the delta and brown soil areas of Tennessee, Robert W. Burney
An evaluation of food plots as a management tool for wildlife on farms and forest lands in East Tennessee, Daniel Keith Burt
Fuel consumption of gasoline and diesel tractors when used with selected implements in West Tennessee, Roger Garland Carpenter
Design criteria for small dairy manure disposal systems : a practical and economical approach to solid waste disposal, Thomas William Cate
A partial analysis of the 1975-76 Tennessee extension family life survey, Virginia Clark Cobb
A psychological perspective on the decision process of successful farm managers : an empirical test of a satisficing model, Howard H. Conley
An evaluation of the white amur (Ctenopharyngodon idella Valenciennes) as a sport fish in East Tennessee Ponds, Kirby Darrell Cottrell
Some effects of fast neutron irradiation upon M̲e̲ḻo̲i̲ḏo̲g̲y̲ṉe̲ I̲ṉc̲o̲g̲ṉi̲ṯa̲ (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949, Robert J. Cox
Farmland consolidation and fragmentation in Upper East Tennessee, William T. Coyle
Influence of Dietary Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio on Bone Density of Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Older Women, Teresa Ann Davis
The Morphology of the Axillary Border of the Scapula With Special Reference to the Neandertal Problem, Carol B. Dittner
A study of the seasonal trend of several nutrient elements in Golden Delicious apple leaves in Tennessee orchards to determine the ideal time to collect leaf samples for foliar analysis, Michael Blaine Donoho
Chemical and biological evaluation of detoxified aflatoxin, Frances Ann Draughon
Religious Broadcasting in America: A Regulatory History and Consideration of Issues, Gary R. Drum
Comparative site index of sweetgum (Ḻi̲q̲u̲i̲ḏa̲mḇa̲ṟ s̲ṯy̲ṟa̲c̲i̲f̲ḻu̲a̲ L.) and Southern red oak (Q̲u̲e̲ṟc̲u̲s̲ f̲a̲ḻc̲a̲ṯa̲ michx.) in West Tennessee, William Clayton Edwards
The Bijou Theatre: 1909-1949, Robert A. Ellis
The effects of fall applications of glyphosate on johnsongrass, soy beans, and corn, Jewell R. English Jr.
Movements and Activities of the Black Bear (Ursus americanus) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Alton Louis Eubanks
Yield and quality of burley tobacco as affected by feeding of adult tobacco flea beetles, Epitrix hirtipennis (Melsheimer) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae), John Reid Evans
Yam (Dioscorea spp) flour fortification with protein of soybean flour, Gabriel Ade Falasinnu
Influence of selected variables upon clothing knowledge of fifth grade 4-H Club girls in McMinn County, Tennessee, Dorothy Marsha Carroll Flanigan
Density and distribution of whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on the Energy Research and Development Administration’s Oak Ridge, Tennessee Reservation, Dwight Charles Flynn
Variation in American sycamore (Plantanus occidentalis L.) on the western Highland Rim of Tennessee, George Samuel Foster Jr.
An evaluation of a 1975 National 4-H Leader Forum in terms of selected participant goals, Martha Joe Freeman
Nutrient absorption and yield of corn and soybeans planted in three row arrangements, Paul Logan Fulks
A socioeconomic study of part-time farming in Upper East Tennessee, Lynn Justin Garrett
The consistency of Tennessee Extension Agents' coding of weekly activity reports, Jane Ann Gault
Accommodation Preferences of Traveling Families with Young Children Staying in Tennessee Hotels and Motels, Dorothy Ann Gillespie
Evaluation of systems for delivering Rumensin to cattle on pasture, Ken J. Goddard
RAPS: A Resource Allocation Production Scheduling Algorithm for Hot Food Production Systems, William Legree Goodwin
Polymorphic site index curves for two hardwood species in west Tennessee : sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) and southern red oak (Ouercus falcata michx), Henry Calhoun Griswold
Comparison of Wild and Hatchery Brook Trout in Spruce Flats Branch, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, W. Douglas Harned
Isolation and characterization of the rhealogical properties of the gum produced by Alcalgines viscolactis as grown in whey substrate, Joanne C. Harrison
The influence of various lighting regimes and exogenous adrenal hormones upon blood glucose and electrolyte levels in chicks, Jeffrey C. Herr
The evaluation of two extreme types of Angus steers, Owen Thomas Hughes III.
In vivo and in vitro comparisons of selected grass silages, Linda D. Hurst