Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Animal Science
Major Professor
Frank B. Masincupp
Committee Members
John P. Hitchcock, George M. Merriman, Sally Prater
Sixteen Duroc sows bred to Yorkshire boars and their litters (127 York x Duroc piglets) from the winter farrowing, January, 1976, were used during this study. Hematological and performance data were collected on the piglets and analyzed to determine the effectiveness of the administration of iron, either orally or parenterally. At the beginning of the trial, the sows were randomly allotted to one of four different treatments: (1) control; (2) Crete Koate; (3) iron-dextran, and (4) a combination of treatments (2) and (3). All the piglets remained in confinement throughout the study.
The piglets were bled at birth, seven, 14, 21, and 35 days of age. Blood analyses were performed on all procedures requiring whole blood on the day the blood was drawn, and at a later date for all tests requiring serum. Each piglet was weighed, checked for knee abrasions, and the pen condition was scored at each bleeding and at 56 days of age. The total amount of creep feed consumed per litter was recorded.
The results of this study indicated that there was very little difference between iron-dextran and Crete Koate supplementation in preweaning swine. The hematological parameters and performance traits tested during the study confirmed this fact.
In regard to hematological parameters, there were significant differences (P<.05) demonstrated by both types of supplemental iron for hematocrit, hemoglobin, serum iron, total and unsaturated iron-binding capacity, percent saturation of transferrin, mean corpuscular volume and hemoglobin. There were no significant differences in erythrocyte and leukocyte counts or mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration.
Of the performance traits tested, those pigs receiving Crete Koate demonstrated a significantly higher (P<.05) total creep feed consumption, average weaning weight per pig, and weekly weights throughout the study. However, there was no significant difference in pen condition or knee abrasions. All those pigs receiving iron-dextran were not significantly different from the controls, with regard to any of the performance traits tested.
Recommended Citation
MacGuire, John Andrew, "Effects of oral versus intra-muscular iron on the preweaning performance and hematology of swine. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1977.