"Changes in buttermilk on storage with special reference to flavor" by Sampath Kumar N. Bhoopalam

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

W. W. Overcast

Committee Members

B. J. Demott, M. B. Badenhop


Four brands of buttermilk were secured from four buttermilk manufacturers and evaluated. Diacetyl level and pH of the buttermilk were determined. The buttermilk was evaluated for flavor by a taste panel. During storage there was no significant change in pH level but there was significant change in diacetyl level for all brands of buttermilk. The judgment of the sensory panel indicated that there was no significant difference among the different brands of buttermilk on the first day of storage but on the eleventh day of storage brand number 3 and 4 were inferior to brand number 1 and 2. The judgment also showed that the brand number 3 and 4 were significantly different from each other but there was no significant difference between brand number 1 and 2.

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