Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1980
Function properties of Lady Godiva (Cucurbita pepo) pumpkin seed meal, Scotty A. Devine
Prolactin in normal and residual milk of Holstein cows and its relationship to milk yield, Charles Alvin Dugan
Reproduction and lactation in the rat : a bioassay for fescue toxicity, Samuel G. Duncan
The composition of ingesta-digesta through the gastrointestinal tract of ruminant cattle, Guy Dyer
The effects of time on feed, carcass traits and chemical measures on muscling, tenderness and flavor of forage- and grain-finished beef, William Richard Dyer
Prehistoric Soapstone Procurement in Northwestern South Carolina, Terry Andrew Ferguson
Nutritive value of several silages produced from caged layer excreta and corn stover, Victor L. Fulgoni
Recovery of betanin from flume water collected from red beet filling lines, Peter K. Fu
Extension small farm programs in the southern region of the United States with application of findings to a situation in the Gambia, Baboucar Bala Gai
The Ochs Family in Knoxville, Tennessee, Susan Gilbert
Farm animal identification : brand legiblility in beef cattle as affected by various freeze branding procedures, John Joseph Goddard
Growth, reproduction, and toxin production of Phomopsis sojae Lehman in culture, Paul J. Goodfellow
Fluctuating Dental Asymmetry and Stress at the Averbuch Site (40DV60), Nashville, Tennessee, Mark F. Guagliardo
The Influence of Fire and Site Factors on Vegetation Pattern and Process: A Case Study of the Western Portion of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Mark Edward Harmon
The effect of indomethacin on collateral circulation development following experimental arterial thrombosis, Cecelia Ann Helenski
The effects of leaf size and varied calcium nitrate levels on gloxinia leaf-disk explants, Charles Edward Hill
Effects of tilapia densities on growth of channel catfish in flow-through polyculture, Larry R. Hilton
Interspecific hybridization between cultivated soybean, Glycine max and perennial wild species, G. falcata, Mark J. Hood
Effect of nutrients and inoculum quantity on Pythium ultimum infection of cotton hypocotyls, Chin-chu Hsieh
Adult ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) collected from tobacco fields and adjacent pastures and woodlands in East Tennessee, C. Dayton Hylton
Sampling and analysis of selected water quality constituents in agricultural runoff, Mark Almon Johnson
The Development and Evaluation of a Nutrition Education Program for Kindergarten, Mild, and Moderately Retarded Children at The University of Tennessee Child Development Center, Virginia Stewart Johnson
Peanut hull flour as dietary fiber in whole wheat bread, S. Masoud Kalantari
Some aspects of growth regulation in pimiento pepper, Ide Eldon Keeler
The effects of changes in petroleum based input prices on the Tennessee fed beef industry, Charles D. Keiser
Suitability of sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., for reproduction of certain plant-parasitic nematodes, Marcia Lynn Keyserling
Density and Distribution of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, Michael Joseph Kiningham
Manual emasculation and pollination methods for wheat and barley crossing, James E. Lothrop
Effect of dialyzing tubing and glassine pollinating bags on seed set and seed weight of barley and wheat hybrids, Muhamad Ghawas Maarof
A comparison of two home demonstration club leadership approaches used in Montgomery County, Tennessee, Martha Martin Marklin
Seasonal rooting, as measured by four parameters, of ten woody ornamentals treated with acid (H₂SO₄), base (NaOH) and IBA, Scott J. McCrary
Effect of three foliar fungicides on germination, emergence, and internally-borne fungi in seeds from six cultivars of soybean, Raymond E. McNew
Population survey and bacterial control of the Japanese beetle in Happy Valley, Blount Co., Tennessee, Wayne Malcolm Millington
A study of selected factors among agricultural education programs in the United States, Danny Wayne Montgomery
Impact of Section 2032A on land alienation and values, Timothy S. Moore
Stand development following two intensities of clearcutting for deer and timber production on the Catoosa Wildlife Management Area, Jack Allen Muncy
Inherited sterility induced by gamma radiation in a laboratory population of Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), Raymond A. Nabors
Evaluation of methods for determining moisture in snap beans using microwave and conventional oven drying, David Ray Perrin
In-field solar drying of ventilated large hay packages, Kenneth L. Pierce
Plant sterols in vegetable fats and oils processed in the United States, Thongchai Plerksophon
Analysis of organochlorine and organophosphate pesticide residues in cabbage, Adriance L. Prater
Relationships between dietary adequacy of homemakers participating in Tennessee's Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program and selected characteristics, Kathy Diann Quillen
Variation in flower and pod abortion among soybean varieties of three maturity groups, Evelyn E. Richmond
Influence of tall fescue-legume mixed forages on ruminal volatile fatty acids of angus steers, Natalie Wiest Shipman
Petrologic, Mineralogic, and Ion Exchange Characteristics of the Rome Formation and Pumpkin Valley Shale on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Janine Gajda Sledz
Effect of chemical control on insect populations infesting tomatoes : with notes on the behavior and larval development of Heliothis zea (Boddie), Lynn J. Snodderly
Use of interior design practices by Tennessee home demonstration club members and general homemakers, Roberta E. Stinson
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) flour fortification with soybean flour, Claver R. Temalilwa
Iron Status of Adolescent Girls, Beverly Jane Thurman
Influence of coagulated whey and texturized soy protein on the acceptability of ground beef patties, Shatha Khairy Toma
Effect of a paraffin wax coating on fatty acids in country cured hams, Collins Nkeoma Ubbaonu
Heat recovery for dairies : case studies, Donnie Coy Vaughn
The Aaron Shelton Site (40CF69): A Multicomponent Site in the Lower Normandy Reservoir, Mark J. Wagner
Factors influencing the retention of 4-H-club members through the seventh grade in Dickson County, Tennessee, Jane Williams Wedgeworth
Movement, production, and distribution in sympatric populations of brook and rainbow trout, Wilbur Eugene Whitworth
Performance of and ruminal parameters in beef steers fed whole corn rations with sodium diacetate and/or rumensin, Jerry V. Wilhite
An Assessment of Anthropology in the Elementary Social Studies Curriculum in Tennessee, Denise Shannon Woodhall Wilkinson
Pasteurella hemolytica : a bacteriological and seriological study of its role in bovine respiratory disease in market stressed feeder steers, Robert H. Wills
An Analysis of the Functional Significance and Sexual Dimorphism of the Neandertal Mastoid Process, Terry Stewert Zobeck
Masters Theses from 1979
The effects of nitrogen fertilization on the yield and quality of two burley tobacco varieties, Mohd Azmi Ab. Rahman
An economic model of Tennessee's lumber and wood products industry, Robert C. Abt
Determination of physiological maturity in corn, Adebisi A. Adeyemi
Multi-product versus single-product timber rotation : comparative by regression and computer simulation, Faik Sadick Al-Ani
A Study of White Spiritual Music and Twelve Related Concepts, Charles Douglas Barber
Effect on type dietary protein and form of iron in creep feed diets on utilization of iron by nursing pigs, Cecillia Kim Bensinger
The Effect of Bromide on Trihalomethane Formation, James C. Bird
Effects of Fraser Fir Death on Population Dynamics in Southern Appalachian Boreal Ecosystems, Rex Randall Boner
Compatible growth and yield equations for eastern redcedar forest types, Samuel David Brock
A comparison of anthelmintics in growing-finishing swine, Earl D. Brooks
Characteristics and management practices of selected Jamaican broiler growers in 1977-78, Radcliffe Joel Brown
Body composition and weight changes of mature grazing Angus cows, William Francis Brown
An Analysis of Trees Marked by Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Thomas L. Burst
A History of the Hunter Hills Theatre, 1956-1977, Gary Buttrey
Ascorbyl palmitate as a shortening replacer, dough-strengthener and crumb softener in commercially produced hamburger buns, Sarah Leah Cantrell
Characterization of a suitable strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus and development of flavored acidophilus milks, Velagaleti L. Charya
Development and evaluation of deep-fried, frozen sweet potato rounds, Yaakob Bin Che-Man
The quality of living in low-income southern rural counties : an index and its correlates, Moon Hui Choe
The cost of retailing milk in Knoxville, Tennessee, George K. Criner
Adaptation to Growth at Low pH by Clostridium sporogenes, Claudia Dee Crosthwait
Inheritance of sterility in mutants of soybeans, Gary E. Day
Estimates of variation, heritabilities and gains obtained from two open-pollinated progeny test plantations of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.), William K. DesBordes
The White Pine-Hardwood Vegetation Types of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Harry R. DeYoung
Rural libraries : some perspectives on resources, felt needs, and alternatives in East Tennessee, John Irvin Dorman
Racial Group Identification from the Innominate by Discriminant Function Analysis, Katherine E. Douglass
Life history aspects of the screech owl (Otus asio) in Tennessee, Linda J. Duley
Resource management guidelines for the Norris Watershed : an analysis of harvest scheduling alternatives, Dale Vincent Dunlap
Foods of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Thomas C. Eagle
A study of 4-H enrollment cards and enrollment procedures used by Tennessee county staffs in fiscal year 1977, Wanda Helvey Erwin
Fecal indices for prediction of forage intake and quality by steers, Richard E. Estell
The effects of whole wheat in combination with whole shelled corn as a finishing ration for beef cattle, James Travis Fain
Resistance to Maize Dwarf Mosaic and the Corn Virus Disease Complex in Synthetic Populations of Dent Corn and Sweetcorn, Robert R. Fincher
Mineral composition and yield of tall fescue as affected by ammonium and nitrate nitrogen fertilization, Charles M. Finley
An Investigation of High Order and Low Order Dynamic Modeling of a Complete Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant, James Downing Freels
Induction of puberty and maintenance of pregnancy in prepuberal gilts, James R. Giles
World trade and the Tennessee farmer : an overview of trade-induced instability and its effects on individual farms, John Arrin Gillies