"The Flora of Citico Creek Wilderness Study Area, Cherokee National For" by Jeffry Lowell Malter

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

A. Murray Evans

Committee Members

Clifford C. Amundsen, David K. Smith


Citico Creek Wilderness Study Area, located entirely within the Cherokee National Forest, Monroe County, Tennessee, is under consideration for inclusion in the National Wilderness System. A study of the vascular flora of this 6,716 hectare area was conducted between March, 1976 and September, 1977. A total of 536 taxa, including 259 county records, was determined. This represents approximately 23% of the state flora.

Pertinent literature on the history, climate, geology, soils, and vegetation of the area is summarized. Particular note has been made of rare plants, with seven on the Tennessee list being found. One of these, Juncus gymnocarpus Coville, is reported for the first time in Tennessee outside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Plants found in the study area and listed on the rare plant lists of neighboring states are also discussed.

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