Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Food Science and Technology
Major Professor
Marjorie P. Penfield
Committee Members
Ada Marie Campbell, Curtis C. Melton
Tenderness, an important quality attribute of meat, is affected by many factors including rate of heating. This quality attribute also has been reported as the single most important criterion for judging meat quality by the consumer. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate selected quality attributes of beef semimembranosus roasts heated at three oven rates (93oC, 149oC, and a combination of 93oC and 149oC) using a consumer panel and instrumental measurements to determine whether tenderness is the most important meat quality attribute to the consumer and to study consumer habits and practices of meat consumption, buying, and preparation.
Roasts heated at 93oC were evaluated by the consumer panel as more tender (P < 0.01) than roasts heated at the other two rates. Warner Bratzler shear values showed roasts heated at the lowest temperature and at a combination of temperatures to be more tender (P < 0.01) than roasts heated at the highest temperature. However, treatment did not have a significant effect on overall acceptability of the roasts.
Flavor and tenderness were indicated as being equally important factors in the evaluation of beef quality by the consumer. Other quality attributes were ranked as less important by the consumer panel.
Roast beef was eaten by the consumers in the home approximately two and one half times per month. Hamburger was the most frequently served type of beef. Generally, less tender cuts of beef were served as roasts to the family and guests. Consumers used moist heating methods more frequently than dry heating methods for preparing roasts. None used long heating times except with slow cookers, but some did use low oven temperatures. Less than half indicated that they would be willing to use long heating times to prepare a roast.
Recommended Citation
Ball, Norma Pauline, "Consumer Acceptance and Evaluation of Quality Attributes of Beef Semimembranosus Roasts Heated at Three Oven Rates. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1976.