"Production of phosphomannan from cheddar cheese whey by Hansenula hols" by Lakshma O. Rao

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

H.O. Jaynes

Committee Members

J.L. Collins, J.O. Mundt


The objectives of this study were to produce and isolate phosphomannan gum in whey using the yeast Hansenula holstii NRRL Y- 2448 and to study its rheological properties, A 5 percent inoculum of Hansenula holstii was grown in hydrolyzed whey for 9 6 hours at 23°C. under continuous agitation. The gum was extracted by ethanol precipitation from cell free medium followed by air drying and lyophilization. The glucose concentration and protein concentration of whey were determined. Alterations in whey substrate were made in regard to their salt content. Polymer from different batches of whey and control medium was examined for its yield and rheological properties. It was observed that the salts of magnesium, manganese and iron did not have any influence on either the yield or the viscosity but the protein concentration influenced solubility and viscosity of the gum. It was observed that the hydrolyzed whey was a suitable medium to support the growth of yeast Hansenula holstii and its production of polymer phosphomannan.

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