Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1978
Biology and control of Euzophera ostricolrella Hulst on yellow-poplar, Liriodendron tulipfera L. in Tennessee, Joe H. Hope
An analysis of contract broiler production in Tennessee, Gary Gene Hunter
A Demographic and Behavioristic Description of Visitors to Cherokee, N.C., Shirley Louise Hyatt
Den Ecology of Black Bears (Ursus americanus) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Kenneth Gregory Johnson
Utilization of Maltlage in complete rations for lactating cows and replacement dairy heifers, Bobby E. Jones
Interaction of temperature and growth retardants on pimento pepper, Priyavadan A. Joshi
A socioeconomic analysis of nonmigrants, return migrants, and primary migrants in Putnam County, Tennessee, Ramachandran Kailasam
Some Aspects of the Natural History of the Raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Cades Cove, The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, William Eugene Keeler
Are Pollinators Exerting Selection Pressure on the Azalea Hybrids on Gregory Bald?, Clinton Victor Kellner
Thiocarbamate and antidote effects on corn hybrids, John Michael Kennedy
The effect of ancymidol on forcing tulips, Susan Kincaid
The Ducks Nest Site: A Small Mississippian Site in Warren County, Tennessee, Gerald Wesley Kline
Composition and Structure of Replacement Forest Stands Following Southern Pine Beetle Infestations as Related to Selected Site Variables in the Great Smoky Mountains, Nathaniel White Kuykendall III
Response of beef calves to handling and restraint in a chute, Gwendolyn S. Light
Structural Analysis of the Great Smoky Thrust Sheet Along the Little Tennessee River, John E. Livingston
Callus induction and organogenesis in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), Karen Wise Lowe
Comparison of Forest Cover Prior To and Following Disturbance in Two Areas of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Weaver H. McCracken III
An Archaeological Survey of the Middle Nolichucky River Basin, Calvert W. McIlhany III
Values of grass silage for finishing beef heifers : in vitrio studies, Lucy A. McMahan
Computers in Planning: A Knoxville Example, Lynn E. Miller
Identification and Economic Analysis of Alternative Soybean Production Systems, William Alan Miller
A history of the development of extension home economics programs for rural women in Tennessee, 1910-1939, with application to the development of similar work in Iraq, Suhayla Shuker Mohammed
The relationship among linear body measurements, subjective scores and certain carcass and performance traits, Robert Foster Montgomery
Burley tobacco yield, quality and chloride content as affected by muriate of potash applications at different times before transplanting, Joseph Edward Moore
Seasonal abundance and species diversity of Tabanidae in selected areas of Tennessee and some notes on their biologies, Bradley Alan Mullens
Effects of photoperiod and pinealectomy on domestic chickens, Stephen Alfred Osei
Influence of extruded soybeans on growth, nutrient digestibility and body composition of growing and finishing pigs, Aderemi Oludotun Osijo
Male influence on estrous cycle phenomena in the rat, Kitty S. Parker
Turbulence effects on a holographic imaging system, Stanley Z. Peplinski
Effect of plant population and row width on the performance of soybeans, Freddy Hernan Quintero
Systems for sicklepod control in soybeans, Robert Brownloe Ratliff
A comparison of two complete rations for their effect on intake, production and energy balance of dairy cows and first lactation heifers, William Morris Robbins
Migration, distribution and breeding of American woodcock, Thomas H. Roberts
Forage quality and yield of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea schreb.) in fall stockpiled growth and winter regrowth, Joseph P. Ross
Maintenance fertility levels for vegetable crops on heavily fertilized Tennessee soils, Albert Brent Rowell
Social interaction in juvenile channel catfish, Lynda Lee Roys
A Procedure for Determination of Total Sulfur and Inorganic Sulfate Content of Food Stuffs, Margaret Steele Rumbley
Response of giant ragweed, jimsonweed, common lambsquarters, tall morningglory, and velvetleaf in soybeans to various overtop postemergence herbicides, Kenneth Dale Russell
Effect of added soymeal and cheese on quality and nutritional value of a corn-based product, Jose Freddy Sanchez
The effects of dikegulac on azalea cuttings, Richard Arnold Schnall
Cellular responses in roots of bentgrass and bermudagrass to selected herbicides, Eddie Dean Seagle
A study of agricultural extension radio usage and production in Tennessee and Iran with special emphasis on script and tape packet material development and evaluation, Mohammad Ali Shams
Comparison of Physical and Chemical Properties of Commercial and Indigenous Forms of Organic Matter in Golf Green Soil Mixtures, Dennis Paul Shepard
Resistance of two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars to Pythium ultimum Trow, Elizabeth Dian Sutherland
Comparison of soybean meal and a liquid nonprotein nitrogen supplement fed in a complete ration with corn silage, Stanley William Telega
Effects of plant growth regulators on Phaseolus vulgaris L., Zea mays and Gossypium arboreum, Soon Woon Toh
The comparison of the characteristics of the rotary milking system to other milking systems, Jimmy Paul Vaughn
Evaluation of the habitat, density, and distribution of a raccoon population in East Tennessee, Edward L. Warr
The effect of supplemental iodine on vitamin A in rats and on thyroxine and vitamin A in parturient dairy cows and their calves, Patricia Kate White
Characteristics and sources of broadcast media available to county extension agents in Tennessee, Elaine Kelsey Wiedemann
Variations in leaflet orientation among soybean cultivars, Thomas J. Wofford
Economic threshold studies of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) in West Tennessee, William Bailey Wyatt
Relationships between the frequency of contacts corn producers in Tennessee had with county extension agents and their adoption of eight corn production practices, Solomon Ahyuwa Yabaya
The effects of added corn syrup on some quality attributes of sorghum syrup, Issa Chamoun Yachouh
Masters Theses from 1977
Minimum energy requirements for optimum egg production in caged layer houses, Nazar J. Alias
Efficient water management for optimum crop production, Naufal Al-Masri
Extraction and use of a carotenoid colorant from red bell pepper juice, Mohammad Amiri
A Study of Decarburization in SAE 1042 Steel: Its Effect on Fatigue Life, Tensile Properties, and Fatigue Fractography, Daniel A. Bales
Reproductive efficiency in the bovine female : dystocia, Rodney H. Barnes
Endomycorrhizal colonization of yellow-poplar seedlings, Mary Ann Barnhill
Prehistoric Settlement and Subsistence Patterns in the Great Smoky Mountains, Quentin R. Bass II
Modeling the change of stem form in plantations of young loblolly pine (Pinus teada), Gary W. Beard
The intake and digestibility of intake for lactating angus cows grazing fescue-legume and fescue pastures, Johnny Dale Beaty
Magnesium depletion and repletion effects on magnesium, calcium and potassium in bone, muscle, cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of sheep, George Edmund Beckmann
Flowering in Senecio cruentus D.C. 'Hansa' influenced by plant growth regulators, Paul Hoyt Bonds
Characteristics of campers who used various types of shelter equipment at Chicot State Park in Louisiana, Gerard J. Boos
Prediction of the effects of pattern selection on pattern efficiency and soil erosion, Buford Byrle Bradley
Use of antitranspirants to improve water relations of Senecio cruentus DC. H̓ansaℓ̓, Georgia Lea Bresenham
Efficacy of soil sterilants in Tennessee, Peter H. Bruno
An Analysis of the Morrow Mountain Component at the Icehouse Bottom Site and a Reassessment of the Morrow Mountain Complex, Patricia A. Cridlebaugh
Radioisotope Feces Tagging as a Population Estimator of Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Density in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Daniel Calhoun Eagar
The Socio-economic Impact of the Airport Upon the Community, Alfred F. Eaton Jr.
Evaluation of solar hay drying and collector efficiency, Donald Dan Eller
A comprehensive study and master plan for the future development of Lichterman Park, Memphis, Tennessee, Rae D. Evans
Some principles useful in the development of effective rural youth programs as related to Al-Sadiq Club work in Iraq, Younis Mahmoud Fattah
Tennessee Valley Authority land policies : The case of Meigs County, Tennessee, John Sharp Fox
Why Does Spruce Not Invade the High Elevation Beech Forests of the Great Smoky Mountains?, Robert Dale Fuller
Feeding management effect on flavor and selected chemical characteristics of frozen ground beef, Helen Virginia Gann
Factors affecting blood glucose level in feeder cattle, Rebecca Lee Garland
Evaluation of protein supplement available to Tennessee farmers fed with whole shelled corn in finishing long yearling cattle, James C. Godfrey
Some factors affecting the reproductive efficiency in beef cattle, Nersa Gonzalez
Histological distribution of orange G-specific cytoplasmic globules in Ipomoea purpurea, Rebecca Sharp Greene
Comparison of the attitudes and activities of homemakers living in duplex and high rise types of government housing projects in McMinnville, Tennessee, Mary Frances Hamilton
Tennessee Valley Authority's use of recreational benefits in resource allocation for multiple-purpose water resource projects, William Henry Hedley
Changes in landownership patterns in West Tennessee, Timothy David Hewitt
Influence of soil types on soybean response to various rates of chlobromuron, linuron, and metribuzin, John Robert Holowid
Energy Conservation and Economic Analysis of Residential Refrigerators, Robert A. Hoskins
Induction of puberty in gilts, Michael Presson Hunter
Relationships between selected characteristics of soybean producers and their management practices and participation in the extension program in Fayette County, Tennessee, Jamieson H. Jenkins
Balsam Woolly Aphid Infestation of Fraser Fir in the Great Smoky Mountains, Kristine D. Johnson
Effect of moisture, inoculum, and preharvest stress on aflatoxin B₁ production in corn, David L. Jones
Resource partitioning among six species of the salamander family plethodontidae, Robert L. Jones
Characteristics of the Mineral and Metal Content of Suspended Sediment, New River Basin, Tennessee, Richard H. Ketelle
An economic analysis of the production, packaging, and marketing potentials of fresh vegetables in Claiborne County, Tennessee, Thomas H. King