Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Robert S. Dotson
Committee Members
Ben Powell, Cecil Carter
The primary purpose of this evaluative study was to determine the degrees to which 135 leader participants of the National Foundation Leader Forum held October 27-November 1, 1975, at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C., felt the Forum had effectively satisfied criteria based on seven participant goals. Secondary purposes were to characterize participants and to make suggestions about future Forums. A total of 105 leaders acceptably completed the questionnaire administered at the end of the four and one-half day Forum. Few previous studies of the kind could be found. States represented were Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska, North Dakota, and West Virginia. Major findings of the study included the following: 1. An average participant was 46 years of age, lived in a rural area and had 8.4 years of experience as a 4-H leader. 2. The largest workshop group of four offered was Citizenship with 33 attending and receiving an average participant reaction rating of "average." 3. The smallest workshop group was Resources with 13 attending and receiving an average rating of "above average." 4. Community Development workshop, with 22 participants, was highest rated, "considerably above average." 5. Teens, second in size with 22 people, was also rated "above II average. 6. Goal-related Criterion #1, Degree to which the Forum gave leaders a chance to see Washington, D.C., and to examine their American heritage, rated highest. 7. Criterior #7, Degree to which Forum taught leaders about 4-H work, rated lowest. 8. All goal-related criteria rated "above average" in accomplishment. 9. Younger and more experienced leaders tended to rate workshops slightly higher, though not consequently. 10. Overall ratings and supporting observations suggested the success of the Forum in largely accomplishing the intended Foundation and leader goals. Implications were drawn and suggestions made for future Leader Forums.
Recommended Citation
Freeman, Martha Joe, "An evaluation of a 1975 National 4-H Leader Forum in terms of selected participant goals. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1976.